10 Ways to Bring Meaning to Your Life

Written by Elisha Goldstein

10 Ways to Bring Meaning to Your Life

My life always appears to be so hectic. It's as if I purposely overload myself with more things than I could possibly ever accomplish. As I'm going to sleep I think about allrepparttar things I need to get done And when I'm awake duringrepparttar 141646 day I think about allrepparttar 141647 things that need to get done. Take a shower, make coffee, eat breakfast, brush my teeth, go to work, etc... It's almost as if atrepparttar 141648 end ofrepparttar 141649 day I can truly ask myself, "where didrepparttar 141650 day go?" Enough of these and I can ask myselfrepparttar 141651 same questions in weeks, months, or even years!

So when I feel like these questions are coming up, I do some brief exercises that help bring me torepparttar 141652 present moment and remind myself that I'm living.

1. For 5 minutes: Whatever you are doing, just do it slightly slower. At work we are all given tasks to do. One time per day, for 5 minutes do that task a little bit slower. Do not dorepparttar 141653 task in slow motion, or take breaks fromrepparttar 141654 task, simply do it a little bit slower.

2. Take 5 minutes at lunch to notice what you're eating. You can actually do this at an meal, or anytime you eat. You are going to notice what your food looks like, how it smells, feels, and tastes. As you pick up your food, noticerepparttar 141655 texture of it, is it bumpy, smooth, wet? Notice what you smell. As you take it in your mouth notice how it feels in your mouth, noticerepparttar 141656 tastes that are coming out of it, how your teeth break it down. As you swallow it, notice it going down your throat. Dorepparttar 141657 same withrepparttar 141658 drink.

3. Take 3 minutes to just sit and notice your breath. Sit in a place of your choice, could be behind your desk, or anywhere. Close your eyes. For 3 minutes simply pay attention to your breath. For these 3 minutes your breath gets your undivided attention. If you notice yourself thinking about something, evenrepparttar 141659 thought "why am I doing this stupid exercise", just notice that your're thinking that and then gently bring your attention back to your breath.

4. Washrepparttar 141660 Dishes. If you're not used to doing dishes, there will be many benefits to this one. As you begin to washrepparttar 141661 dishes, noticerepparttar 141662 texture ofrepparttar 141663 plate andrepparttar 141664 warmth ofrepparttar 141665 water on your hands. Inhale and notice if there is any scent. Listen to hearrepparttar 141666 rush ofrepparttar 141667 water or any other sounds that are happening around you. Not only will you be able to practice being inrepparttar 141668 moment, but many of your family and friends will be thrilled with you.

Can You Handle a Long Distance Relationship?

Written by Debbie Anderson

A long distance relationship will work for you if:

- You trust your partner completely.

- You like to spend time alone.

- You have many outside hobbies and interests

- You're like a sexual camel and can go weeks, if not months, without sexual intimacy.

- You can afford high speed Internet, are computer literate and can operate a web cam.

- You love to talk onrepparttar phone.

- You know how to turn your lover on overrepparttar 141625 phone andrepparttar 141626 Internet.

- You don't feel lonely when out with other couples.

- You haverepparttar 141627 confidence that you can handle this relationship well, no matter what comes your way (including a possible separation.)

- You know how to keep busy.

- You have supportive friends.

A long distance relationship will NOT work for you if:

- You orrepparttar 141628 other partner has a history of alcoholism or addiction. Often infidelity and unpredictability accompany these issues leading to a long-distance catastrophe.

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