10 Ways To create Killer sales copy

Written by Mark Flavin (content by Larry Dotson)

Welcome to your second installment from http://nicetodobusiness.com

Today we are going to look atrepparttar sales copy of your website. Here are 10 Eye Popping, Jaw Dropping Ad Copy Secrets By Larry Dotson

1. Use a hand written letter on your ad copy instead of text. Writerepparttar 108016 ad on a piece of paper, scan it and publishrepparttar 108017 ad on your web page. Adding a personal touch will always increase your sales.

2. Publish a list of famous and respected customers who have bought from you on your a copy. People will think that if these people bought from you, they should also trust your business and purchase your products. Make sure to get their permission first.

3. Show before and after photos for your products on your web page copy. Showrepparttar 108018 problem picture and then beside it, showrepparttar 108019 picture ofrepparttar 108020 resolution torepparttar 108021 problem when they use your product.

4. Include an article or review that has been written about you or your business with your ad copy. This will show people that your business is respected and will increase your credibility.

5. When you offer free bonuses in your ad copy, also listrepparttar 108022 dollar value beside each bonus. People will feel they're getting a good deal and it will increaserepparttar 108023 value of your product.

6. Hire a famous person to endorse your product or service. Make surerepparttar 108024 person is well known to your target audience. Include their picture and statements on your ad copy.

Can 97% of Netpreneurs be Wrong?

Written by James Tyler

Can 97% of Netpreneurs be Wrong? Why Some People's Ads Almost Always Make Money Discoverrepparttar Master Copywriter's Little-Known Secret of Locking in Profits! You don’t know it yet, but inrepparttar 108015 next 5 minutes you are going to learn two things that will enable you to command someone to do something anything – and that person will do it without question. What’s more, they’ll think it was their idea, not yours. Hypnotic Selling: Myth or Miracle?

Dear unhappy business owner;

Listen, we all knowrepparttar 108016 key to success in any business is how well your message gets across. Do you know how to grab a visitor to your business and keep em? It's what they experience when they arrive that brings them back. Andrepparttar 108017 biggest secret is-it's all in your writing!

•Struggling with Your Marketing? Here’s How to Fix That! (Read on!) •Who else wants their advertising to make them more money? •The Amazing Secret to Making Fistfuls of Cash! •The best ways to drive major traffic to your web site •The single most important marketing method for succeeding onrepparttar 108018 Internet •Incredibly effective low-cost and no-cost marketing techniques •How online copy differs from traditional copy -- if you don't follow some basic rules, you're wasting your time and money •The best ways to structure an online offer •Hard facts on what sells and what doesn't sell online •Impressive success stories of companies you've never heard of •Common mistakes to avoid •How to cash in with affiliate programs •Whatrepparttar 108019 future holds for Internet marketing •Inside information on creating riveting headlines •The secret of writing hypnotic body copy •How to price products for maximum sales •The secret ofrepparttar 108020 "ultimate benefit" •How to test your copy •How to Increase Response Rates by 2100% by tomorrow afternoon! •How to Write Advertising that practically Forces People to Respond! •5 Step Formula for turning prospects into Buying Customers! •How to apply Psychology in Your Internet Marketing! •Common Mistakes to Avoid! Your Online sales copy matters. Did you know that 97% of small sized businesses (small businesses) failed because their owners didn't pay enough attention to staying in touch with their clients with mesmerizing sales copy?

1. Increase sales 2. Make more money 3. Attract more customers

Whether you are a professional business, retailer, entrepreneur, or consultant, every business wants/needs more new and return clients.

The first solution an internet marketing design coach advises is to entice potential clients to read your Web site's service sales messages. Online promotions can be as natural as a telephone conversation.

Check out your Web site Pages.

Your site sales copy matters.

The biggest mistake your Web site messages make is that they don't serverepparttar 108021 needs and desires of your visitors. When business owners don't convey a convincing message of why our Web site visitors should choose our service, we lose potential clients.

Ask yourself these questions:

1. "What does my Web site say about me? Is it just another pretty face or does it’s messages take my readers byrepparttar 108022 heart and convince them to read more?"

Tip: If this is your first Web site, it probably hasn't attracted enough clients. If you are serious about using your site to attract more clients you need to give it a face lift.

2. Does your home page inspire your readers to act? Do you give visitors reasons to buy? Or, do you fill your home page with unnecessary bio, mission statements all that crap about you?

Tip: Your home page must be all about your visitor, not about you. Just one or two sentences about yourself atrepparttar 108023 most.

3. Will your readers know what they need to know to arrive at an educated decision? Do you include questions they may have, or resistance to your service that you can overcome? These serve to make them more comfortable and want to know more from you.

4. Have you included benefit-driven headlines to take your visitor from your home page to your service sales message? Do you knowrepparttar 108024 difference between a feature and a benefit?

5. Does your sales letter or message about your service develop rapport and entice your visitor to contact you and buy?

6. Do your service pages offer different packages and ways to serve individual and (individuals) tastes and budgets?

7. Do you haverepparttar 108025 correct hyperlinks to your order page that make it easy for your client to buy?

If your answers to these questions come up short, you have options.

1. Model your web pages after a successful marketing and design builder’s pages.

2. Hire a copywriter to writerepparttar 108026 copy for you. Some will write a sales letter for $500, others charge up to $10,000. They will give you a work sheet so your sales message will suit your purposes.

Some choose this method because they don't think they can write, yet we can help to encourage you to write your own copy to reflect your unique personality and be true to you which must come through in your writing to be effective.

Cont'd on page 2 ==>
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