10 Ways To Get More Of Your Visitors To Subscribe To Your Ezine

Written by Ken Hill

1. Promote your ezine onrepparttar top third of your site, and on every page of your site with a subscription box that advertises your ezine.

2. Tell your visitorsrepparttar 124210 benefits of subscribing to your ezine -- what's in it for them for subscribing to your ezine.

3. Provide a bonus for subscribing to your ezine. Your bonus could be a f-ree ad, ebook, email course, software, or access to your members only site.

4. Make sample issues of your ezine available to your visitors by autoresponder.

Your sample issues will increase your subscriptions by giving your visitors a firsthand look atrepparttar 124211 valuable content to be found in your ezine,repparttar 124212 topics you cover, your point of view, and your personality.

5. Provide an archive of all your past issues.

You could provide your visitors with a web based archive of all your past issues. This will not only help you to get more subscribers, but will also fill your site with keyword rich webpages which can help your site to rank higher inrepparttar 124213 search engines.

In addition, you can create your archive by making all of your past issues available by autoresponder if you don't haverepparttar 124214 time to keep up a web based archive.

Re-evaluating The Purpose of An E-Zine

Written by Dan Fry

With all ofrepparttar push these days to publish an E-Zine as an online marketer, deciding whether to accept articles and paid advertising is becoming nothing more than a quick second thought. As E-Zines are increasingly turning into mere tools to generating sales, people are turning more to pre-written content. Are E- Zines loosing their aire of freshness as an outlet for true discussion?

I personally subscribe to numerous E-Zines just to see what others are writing about. Most simply circulaterepparttar 124209 same articles written by a chosen few without writing any original content themselves. Coming up with clean fresh ideas truly takes work, but don't you owe it to your subscribers?

Times are busy and life is rushing by. People simply do not haverepparttar 124210 time to sit and read every article, commentary, or advertisement that passes their eyes. Asrepparttar 124211 commercial marketplace becomes increasingly saturated with hype after hype, people are developing a keen sense about worthwhile articles. Focus on delivering high value content and not using your E-Zine strictly as a marketing tool.

I like to think of my weekly E-Zine issue as a get together with your closest friends over coffee, wine, a beer, or whatever they wish to entertain. Would you repeatrepparttar 124212 identical conversation week after week?

When just starting out with your E-Zine, your relationship with your subscribers is analogous to a first date. It isrepparttar 124213 same for authors who publish in other E-Zines or for inclusion of outside ads in your publication. Subscribers just don't know anything about you.

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