10 Ways To Convert A Visitor Into An Affiliate!

Written by Larry Dotson

1. Make your affiliate program free to join. This also means without having to actually buyrepparttar product or service.

2. Give them a no cost bonus to join. It could be a free ebook, e-report, software, etc. The bonus should be closely related torepparttar 102622 product or service.

3. Offer them 50% commission or more. People have been branded their whole life that 50/50 is a fair deal.

4. Limitrepparttar 102623 number of affiliates you accept. People will feel like they have a better chance to earn more commissions without a lot of competition.

5. Remind your visitors that they can become an affiliate then buy your product. They will receive a discount and receive commission.

6. Flash your affiliate program offer in front them repeatedly. Persuade them to subscribe to your ezine and place your offer on every page of your site.

Keeping Your Affiliates Active and Loyal

Written by Keller Flynn

Have you noticed lately that some of your affiliates seem to have disappeared fromrepparttar face ofrepparttar 102621 earth, or that people who have registered with you are not always posting your banner or setting up their affiliate website at all? You're not alone. With so many affiliate programs available these days, people can, and often do, jump from program to program with little thought, and this is bad news for affiliate directors.

Maintaining an active affiliate base isrepparttar 102622 key torepparttar 102623 success of your program. If people are continually jumping ship, you're not going to make any money. If you've got a good product with reasonably high demand and an attractive, easy to navigate website, you should be able to keep a happy and stable group of affiliates, right? So what'srepparttar 102624 problem?

Well, assuming that your program is potentially successful; that is, your product is in demand and that you have a professional looking, user-friendly website, I can pretty much guarantee thatrepparttar 102625 problem lies in communication. If your affiliates are trickling away, it is most likely because they feel ignored or just uninformed. Here are a few communication basics you can use to keep them feeling involved.

First. Have a good "thank you" page. Don't just use a canned prefab form. When your affiliates sign up, give them some pertinent information, like what they can expect from you and a little more about how your specific program works. Maybe even give a few sales statistics from your most successful affiliates. This will make them feel really involved right fromrepparttar 102626 start.

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