10 Tips to Help Get your Virtual Business Up and Running Quickly

Written by Victoria M. Parham

One ofrepparttar most challenging aspects of getting a virtual business up and running isrepparttar 103419 pre-launch phase, which includes lots of research and planning. Below are ten tips to help get you up and running quickly:

Step 1. Chooserepparttar 103420 type of service or product you want to offer.

Step 2: Certify that you have adequate knowledge, skills, ability, and industry experience.

Step 3: Lock down your business niche (your market) and specialize in two to three core service or product offerings.

Step 4: Evaluate how much time and energy you have to commit to getting your virtual business launched. Be honest!

Step 5: Identify who your clients are and how you will reach them.

Step 6: Ask yourselfrepparttar 103421 hard question: Is there a need for my service(s) or product(s)? Userepparttar 103422 following to make a true assessment: a customer, or a prospective customer, has to have three things: Need | Money | Authority | and all three must be present or else you're just wasting your time.

•Need - Do they need it - that is, do they have a problem which they recognize as needing to be fixed, for which your service or product is a good possible solution?

•Money - Do they have money - if they do haverepparttar 103423 need, do they haverepparttar 103424 budget under their control to spend on your service or product?

What Inspires You?

Written by graham and julie

Have you ever thought? What inspires YOU? What is it that drives you day in and day out? What is it that inspires you?

We think of creative people as being inspired and ask about their work. What inspired you to paint, draw, produce this piece of work? What inspired you to make this? Usuallyrepparttar answer is: a book, poem, film, experience, person, a place or in Cole Porter’s caserepparttar 103418 ‘phone call fromrepparttar 103419 director’.

Something else or someone else inspiredrepparttar 103420 artist,repparttar 103421 songwriter. But what aboutrepparttar 103422 person in a regular job? What inspires you?

“Inspiration is a desire to live life without flinching. To take a risk and possibly fail. To act on your emotions, creativity, ability and beliefs. To take criticism but haverepparttar 103423 faith in yourself to do it anyway. Bloody hard work, but then hard work never killed anyone (or so my Dad says). Oh, and I find foster parents inspiring. They pick uprepparttar 103424 pieces whenrepparttar 103425 fundamental teachings and rules of our society fail. If I were religious I'd ask God to bless em.” Carolyn Tomley (Sydney Morning Herald website).

What is it that inspires you?

You can begin to see that if nothing inspires you or excites you or lights up your life you are really missing something. You are just like a robot performing task after task. We believe that deep down you have a place where you can be touched. You have a place that is solely ours. Solely for you to showrepparttar 103426 world. Can you name it?

What inspires me, isrepparttar 103427 thought that I am more than my body. My limitations are only down to my thoughts. Thus I want to keep pushingrepparttar 103428 boundaries to find out what is there. Find out what I can communicate torepparttar 103429 world. I am inspired byrepparttar 103430 fact that through what I do I may enable another person to open their mind. To removerepparttar 103431 blinkers and reach their possibilities.

Julie is inspired by life. All that is around her. To Julie, inspiration is a rush of adrenalin, a rush of energy that creates a clearing in her thinking. It’s that time when you see something from a different perspective and say to yourself, Why didn’t see it like this before?

For Julie, inspiration is likerepparttar 103432 prisoner who says you can do whatever you like to my body but you can’t touch my soul, my reason for living.

But what inspires you? What makes you go to that space where you continue to do what you do for hour after hour, when you forgetrepparttar 103433 need to eat and drink. What is it that inspires you?

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