10 Tips to Avoid ‘Bandwagon Business’.

Written by Gary Durkin

10 Tips to Avoid ‘Bandwagon Business’.

By Gary Durkin © 2005

Firstly, we have to define exactly what ‘Bandwagon Business’ means. If you are familiar with my various articles, you will know that I often use common phrases or sayings in support of my argument / points.

This is no exception!

Here,repparttar phrase is ‘jump onrepparttar 136705 bandwagon’ - meaning to get involved withrepparttar 136706 latest venture / fad / craze / in order to make money, achieve an element of success or just simply to appear ‘cool’.

Inrepparttar 136707 business sense, I am relating torepparttar 136708 frequently changing developments, niche opportunities, schemes, incredible new ventures………….

What is clearly apparent, in particular inrepparttar 136709 online world - orrepparttar 136710 internet as we all know it, isrepparttar 136711 vast numbers of people who seem to jump from one bandwagon to another, with intense frequency, that you may be left thinking they have surgically attached springs to their feet.

Unless you are VERY lucky indeed, this process will not work for you. Here are my Top Ten Tips to Spot / Avoid this problem of epidemic levels…….

1. Decide on your identity. Inrepparttar 136712 very simplest of senses, there are two main categories of people online looking to make money. Those who are plain and simple ‘opportunity seekers’ - looking to make money from some ‘get rich quick’ scheme’….. Doublers, Triplers, Gifting Programs, Money Matrixes…..

Then, there are those who are seeking to create their own online business. A real business.

If you arerepparttar 136713 former (opportunity seeker) - be warned. Most of these schemes FAIL…… period…. End of Story. FACT.

If you are really looking to create an online business - this is vastly different. It may take a great deal more time, energy, work, involvement, commitment, focus… and perhaps even investment - but it’s a business - a real business - not an empty pot of false promises.

So, decide which one you want to be - and stick with it.

2. Don’t undervalue yourself. It is often said, that they key to your success, lies inside you. You may not know it, or have realised it….. but it’s there. Everyone has weaknesses - so focus on your strengths inrepparttar 136714 main, and quietly develop areas in which you are a little less strong…… and gradually turn them into more positives.

3. What are your expectations? Define clearly to yourself, exactly what it is that you want from your online activities, and what you expect to achieve. Be realistic. Althoughrepparttar 136715 internet is FULL of claims of people can make a fortune ‘overnight’ - it simply isn’t so. If you have never made money online, set a target to reach just $500 to start with.

Once this is achieved and sustained, increase your target to $1000 - then later $2000 per month….. then afterwards raise your target to $4000 per month….. and so on…… Start small….. work from there, and gradually increase your expectations only when you have achieved your first targets. You WILL find this works far more effectively than expecting to make $250,000 a year online within a week. Most people soon realise that they won’t be millionaires in a few weeks with their ‘program’ - so off they go looking forrepparttar 136716 next one.

4. Believe in it. Have faith in your business, your product or your service. Sell yourself, sellrepparttar 136717 idea or concept first - if you truly believe in it,repparttar 136718 persuasive powers of this will provide you with 90% of your success. If you don’t honestly have faith in your business or product - before you know it, you will looking forrepparttar 136719 next bandwagon to jump on.

Online Home-Based Businesses Can Give You Search Engine Stress

Written by Kirk Bannerman

As a member of several search engine optimization forums, I have frequently noticed (especially since Yahoo recently decided to try their hand at competing with Google) thatrepparttar stress level of many webmasters has gone way up. This condition applies not only to webmasters involved in Internet-based home businesses, but to webmasters in general.

Additionally, it seems that many people that are inrepparttar 136672 business of search engine optimization (SEO) are, with good reason, going completely bonkers. As Google came onrepparttar 136673 scene in 1998 and quickly dominatedrepparttar 136674 search business, website optimization became largely a game of shooting at a single target, namely, pleasing Google...for all intents and purposes, Google becamerepparttar 136675 "800 pound gorilla" ofrepparttar 136676 search engine business.

Sincerepparttar 136677 advent of search engines (particularly Google) spawnedrepparttar 136678 whole SEO business, I guess its only fair thatrepparttar 136679 search engine industry can once again turnrepparttar 136680 SEO business on its ear, and it seems now to be sort of a cat and mouse (not desktop) relationship that can get really interesting as we move forward.

Not only are there now several viable players (most notably Google, Yahoo, Microsoft and Ask Jeeves) inrepparttar 136681 search engine business, but they are all adopting different and frequently changing algorithms for determiningrepparttar 136682 ranking positions for websites.

The current game is that webmasters are trying to figure out howrepparttar 136683 various search engines perform their rankings and, onrepparttar 136684 flip side,repparttar 136685 search engines are striving to be quite unpredictable to those webmasters and SEO firms.

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