10 Tips on Increasing Revenue With A Attractive Fee Schedule

Written by Catherine Franz

This article is directed more towards speakers, however, these techniques can also be applied for any type of business.

One ofrepparttar most important tools speakers use is their FEE SCHEDULE. Here are ten tips to help you increase your attractiveness and income, while communicating exactly what you offer and clarify your fees for your programs, products, and services.

1. Changerepparttar 103844 title. Previously referred as a FEE SCHEDULE. These two words have gathered a quiet negative energy overrepparttar 103845 years. In order to make your fees more attractive, changerepparttar 103846 name. This energizes your attractiveness and shows how you are different. Here are a few noun substitutes to spark your brainstorming. Schedule: Menu, catalog, list. Example Fee Menu, Fee Catalog, Fee List. Fee: Compensation, cost, rate. Examples: Compensation Menu, compensation catalog, compensation list, cost menu, cost catalog, cost list, rate menu, rate catalog, rate list.

2. Include your photo atrepparttar 103847 top of your schedule

3. Atrepparttar 103848 top also include an expiration line: Example: "These fees are good for programs booked before _____date (or expire on ____)." Expire your schedule frequently to allow for increases. Ninety days isrepparttar 103849 normal expiration period.

4. SOMETHING WRONG WITH THE FOLLOWING SENTENCE. We find that selling time isrepparttar 103850 easiest way to list independent professional services offer and listingrepparttar 103851 length of your programs and seminars. Example: Up to l hour $____. Up to 2 hours $____. Up to 3 hours (or 1/2 Day) $____. Up to 6 hours (full day) $_____.

5. Be sure to list all your time or product packages. List any additional or possible programs forrepparttar 103852 same events. Examples: Managers Meetings, Spouse Program, additional breakouts, vendor education for trade shows atrepparttar 103853 event. List any document customization fees and recording rights.

Army Ranger Reveals How to Control Corporate Stress

Written by Dale Collie

Title: Army Ranger Reveals How to Control Corporate Stress Length: 991 Words Author: Dale Collie Email: MailTo:collie@couragebuilders.com Category: Business/Leadership/Stress/Motivation Web Address: http://www.couragebuilders.com Copyright 2004

You may publish this article electronically or in print f`r`e`e of charge. Just include my full byline and add a hyperlink for web postings. When you publish, please send a courtesy link or email to collie@couragebuilders.com


Army Ranger Reveals How to Control Corporate Stress by Dale Collie

"Adoptingrepparttar right attitude can convert a negative stress into a positive one." Hans Selye -repparttar 103843 "father of stress" and founder ofrepparttar 103844 Canadian Institute of Stress.

Every worker in America has heard of individual stress management techniques -- relaxation, meditation, and visualization -- good tools for getting through stressful periods. But if they're so great, why do we still have all this stress?

We're going to need something more than mood music, aroma therapy, and comfortable lighting to get beyondrepparttar 103845 stress of today's workplace. We're going to need management's attention because stress control is a leadership responsibility.

The US Army has plenty of experience with stress control as front line leaders strive to keep GIs onrepparttar 103846 job. Traditionally,repparttar 103847 US Army has lost as many soldiers to stress as to enemy gunfire - a ratio of 1:1. The most elite units trim this loss to a ratio of 1:10 - one stress loss for every 10 wounded soldiers.

Regardless ofrepparttar 103848 ratio, every front line soldier is critical to winningrepparttar 103849 battle. Commanders know that controlling stress under fire is as critical as food, fuel, and ammunition. The same holds true for corporate America. You can't get high productivity with high absenteeism.

Combat leaders watch for stress symptoms and take action. They are taught to "Know your troops, and be alert for any sudden, persistent or progressive change in their behavior that threatensrepparttar 103850 functioning and safety of your unit." (FM 6-22.5, "Combat Stress")

Specifically, front line leaders are taught to help overstressed soldiers in six ways:

Army Step 1. Reassurance

Corporate Solution: Some people need contact withrepparttar 103851 boss to assure them that things will turn out ok. Spend time to find out worker's concerns. Ask for their observations on recent events. Find out what they think about upcoming changes. Ask for their advice -- they'll admire you for demonstrating your trust. Simple remarks showing your confidence in workers can make a big difference.

Army Step 2. Rest and sleep

Corporate Solution: Its worth your while to offer some additional time off if stress is interfering with performance. Consider giving additional breaks to relieve mental and physical fatigue. Improved productivity will more than pay forrepparttar 103852 unstructured breaks that over-stressed workers will take on their own.

Find out what's needed to help employees get more rest at home. Bring in experts to teachrepparttar 103853 importance of rest and relaxation. Take a look at that overtime schedule;repparttar 103854 extra work might be taking its toll in absenteeism, illness, accidents, and attitudes.

Army Step 3. Food and fluids

Corporate Solutions: You can influence how people eat by getting experts to teachrepparttar 103855 importance of proper nutrition. Make sure nutritious snacks are available alongsiderepparttar 103856 junk food in vending machines. Provide healthy snacks mid-morning and mid-afternoon when energy levels begin to fade. The investment will pay off in better performance. Reward good health.

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