If you're a road warrior, these travel tips will help reduce
stress of your journeys.1. Choose your Travel Modality Wisely Planes, trains or automobiles: what's
choice to be? While air travel is clearly
only way to go for long journeys, shorter trips of a couple of hundred miles might be faster via train, bus or auto. When making your decision, consider time spent traveling to and from airports, plus time spent lining up for check in, security and departure. Also consider
effects inclement weather can have on your travel choice. It's no fun hearing
announcement that your plane can't land due to poor visibility and you'll be returning to your departure airport.
2. Consider Alternative Airports If you're flying, consider alternative airports that are outside
city you're going to visit. As a rule, these airports have fewer flights, less overbooking and less delays than their larger counterparts.
3. Obtain an International Drivers License If traveling outside your own country, an international driver's license will be more readily recognized than your locally issued driver's license. The cost is not prohibitive and in most regions,
licenses are easily obtained by showing your local driver's license. Inquire at your local Automobile Association.
4. Get Your Maps Before You Leave Home Travel is less stressful if you know how to get around. Before leaving home, obtain maps of your destination city. One approach is to visit web sites such as City Search (http://www.citysearch.com/) and print out maps. Place your printed maps in plastic folders for protection against
elements. Trying to read a road map while standing on a rainy street corner has its obvious disadvantages.
5. Carry Electronic Documents Rather than Hard Copy Rather than carry heavy stacks of brochures or sales letters, take electronic documents on diskettes and have them printed at a local printing service. Similarly, if you are working a booth in a trade show, it's a good idea to carry electronic documents in case you run out of
stack you shipped from