10 Tips for Better Web Site Usability - and Profits!

Written by Marty Foley

Making a web site easy and convenient for visitors to use is a commonly overlooked key to selling more from it. The following tips can help you do just that...

1) A lesson for marketers is to make our web sites, products, etc., compatible withrepparttar largest possible number of users, includingrepparttar 134732 most common browsers and computer systems.

The vast majority of web surfers use Internet Explorer, with Netscape in distant second place. The most popular screen resolution is 800 x 600.

This also means avoiding or using extreme caution with newer technology that people with slower connections and older computer systems can't easily use. One exception may be if you cater to an especially high-tech target market.

2) Unless you have a good reason to deviate from default hyperlink colors, it's best not to. Typically, blue links have not been visited, and purple links have. Other non-link text colored blue or purple may confuse visitors by making them think they are links.

3) A common pet peeve among surfers is slow-loading web pages. When using images on your pages, use width and height attributes inrepparttar 134733 HTML code to specify image sizes. Browsers can then allocate proper space for images andrepparttar 134734 text can start loading (giving visitors something to view) while images load.

4) Make your web pages load faster by minimizingrepparttar 134735 number of graphics you use, as well as by optimizing their file sizes. A free tool for optimizing graphics files is available at: www.gifoptimizer.com

"Let Your Little Website Shine" Part 6 (Final in series)

Written by Lynne Schlumpf

Thanks for joining me this one last time forrepparttar sixth and final part in this series. One final note aboutrepparttar 134731 site mentioned last time: www.websitesthatsuck.com Not only does this site serve a great purpose for you as a website designer (or final decision-maker on how your website looks), but it is also an example of a site you'll not soon forget. It's hilarious in some spots and useful in others. You don't necessarily have to agree withrepparttar 134732 authors ofrepparttar 134733 book about design elements, but you can learn a thing or two. You can also see some ofrepparttar 134734 worst websites ever by following their links torepparttar 134735 "Daily Sucker". I often feel bad forrepparttar 134736 author of those websites, but it does motivate them to improve. It should also motivate you not to makerepparttar 134737 same mistakes. It'd be pretty embarrassing to be known as a company that created one ofrepparttar 134738 worst looking websites onrepparttar 134739 WWW! I hope it never happens to either of us! 11. Does not use email addresses obtained fromrepparttar 134740 site to SPAMrepparttar 134741 people you got them from. This is another one of my pet peeves. If you sponsor a contest or sweepstakes on your site, or you ask visitors to answer a survey, PLEASE don't see their email address as "fair game" to SPAM them to death with sales letters! It's one thing to sponsor an email newsletter and have them sign up for it. In these newsletters, you can put short sales pitches and links to sales sites. Internet users find this to be acceptable. They figure that you're providing them with information, so someone has to pay for it, right? There's nothing more annoying to me than to get a bunch of sales junk in my email box just because I entered a contest. Allowing visitors to willingly sign up for ezines* or to click on banners on your site is acceptable. Sending them sales junk by email just because they visited your site causes them to lose trust in you. 12. Has some kind of newsletter so that its visitors can keep in touch: I mentioned this item briefly in Element number 12, but now I will expound on whyrepparttar 134742 email newsletter, or ezine as it is called, is an effective method of marketing if it's used creatively. If you would like to start an email newsletter that you can use to keep in touch with visitors to your site, you can create one free here: www.listbot.com Create a link to your newsletter on your site to allow visitors to sign up free. As long as your newsletter has some content, they'll stay subscribed. I despise email newsletters that are nothing but sales pitches allrepparttar 134743 way through, with links to go buy something. I unsubscribe myself pretty quick

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