10 Tips To Reduce Fat In Your Diet

Written by Kathy Thompson

1. Steam, boil, broil, or microwave vegetables, or stir-fry them in a small amount of vegetable oil.

2. Season vegetables with herbs and spices rather than sauces, butter, or margarine.

3. Try lemon juice or fat-free dressing on salad, or use a yogurt based dressing instead of mayonnaise or sour cream dressing.

4. To reduce saturated fat, use vegetable oil or tub margarine instead of butter or stick margarine when possible.

5. Replace whole milk with skim or low-fat milk in puddings, soups, and baked products. Substitute plain nonfat yogurt, blender-whipped cottage cheese, low-fat sour cream, or buttermilk in recipes that call for sour cream.

6. Choose lean cuts of meat, and trim any visible fat from meat before and after cooking. Remove skin from poultry before or after cooking. Monitor portion sizes. (Lean meats end in "loin".)

What is Meditation?

Written by Robert Elias Najemy

What is Meditation?

Robert Elias Najemy

Meditation can be described in hundreds of ways. Here we will give some brief explanations about this so-extremely-important aspect of human harmony, health and spiritual evolution.

Three Aspects of Meditation

1. The first step is relaxation or surrendering ofrepparttar body and mind so thatrepparttar 115845 mind is not cluttered with various unrelated and disturbing thoughts.

2. The second is concentration on a limited area of mental focus so as to begin to be able to control and directrepparttar 115846 mind towardsrepparttar 115847 chosen "object" of concentration. Thus, if I have chosen to concentrate on Christ,repparttar 115848 concept of love orrepparttar 115849 energy in my heart center, my mind will not wonder from that point of focus to various other unrelated thoughts concerning my daily life, needs, desires,repparttar 115850 future andrepparttar 115851 past.

3. The third stage isrepparttar 115852 eventual transcendence ofrepparttar 115853 mind, thoughts and all identification withrepparttar 115854 body and personality. We then enter into a state of super-mental union with divine consciousness.

These three aspects, RELAXATION, CONCENTRATION and TRANSCENDENCE constituterepparttar 115855 basis of most meditation techniques.

What is Meditation Like?

Meditation could be considered any process or abstinence of process, which bringsrepparttar 115856 mind into a state of contact withrepparttar 115857 inner self, so that a sense of inner peace and fulfillment ensue.

Ordinarily, our minds are constantly preoccupied with feelings, ideas, thoughts, sounds, sights, tastes and sensual experiences. We are focused on working, talking, thinking, analyzing, watching, worrying, solving, studying, dreaming and so on. We are like ships being tossed around byrepparttar 115858 waves of circumstances, external inputs and our subconscious programming.

One moment we are happy, elated over a success, a new purchase or an affirming exchange with a loved one. Inrepparttar 115859 next moment sadness flows through us - we are tired, depressed with life, bored with work, confined by our family, devastated byrepparttar 115860 heat, frustrated with ourselves, angry at others, or bitter aboutrepparttar 115861 hardships which life has put upon us. Life is an incessant flow of moods, thoughts and perceptions.

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