10 Tips To Prevent Credit Card Fraud

Written by Paul Davis

Imagine opening your credit card statement one morning and discovering to your horror that you suddenly owe thousands of dollars - on purchases that you never made.


Credit card fraud onrepparttar rise, so you need to treat your card and its information with extreme care.

Here are 10 tips to help insure you're notrepparttar 104382 victim of thieves and fraudsters:

1. Sign new and replacement cards immediately.

2. Destroyrepparttar 104383 old cards by cutting them into pieces and shred all old receipts and bills.

3. Don't fax your credit-card number, if possible. Remember,repparttar 104384 faxed document could remain in sight atrepparttar 104385 other end for long periods of time.

4. Don't give your card number overrepparttar 104386 phone unless you have initiatedrepparttar 104387 call.

5. Destroy any carbon paper if it's used as part ofrepparttar 104388 credit card transaction. Somebody can grab it and forge your signature.

Sony Buys Contol of "MLK" Movie

Written by Gary Revel

No one has said that Sony knew their purchase of Acuff-Rose Music would put them inrepparttar drivers seat ofrepparttar 104381 powerful story of Gary Revel's investigation ofrepparttar 104382 assassination of Martin Luther King Jr. but neither have they denied it.

In 1977 Gary was covertly investigatingrepparttar 104383 assassination of MLK and he and attorney Mary Noel wrote, 'They Slew The Dreamer', a song aboutrepparttar 104384 related conspiracy and agreed to haverepparttar 104385 record ofrepparttar 104386 song released on Rebel records and later as a cut on Star City Records Inc. As far asrepparttar 104387 world knew Gary was only a struggling songwriter with a young family living in Nashville who had a few songs signed at Acuff-Rose Music's ASCAP arm Milene Music Inc. With only a few independent releases to his credit it didn't look like he'd be shakingrepparttar 104388 world with his talent any time soon. 'They Slew The Dreamer' was produced by Johnny Erdelyan atrepparttar 104389 Acuff-Rose studios in Nashville and when released it didn't shakerepparttar 104390 music world but it did shake uprepparttar 104391 powers that ranrepparttar 104392 government ofrepparttar 104393 State of Tennessee as well asrepparttar 104394 United States and for good measure some powerful Organized Crime figures.

The legal consequences ofrepparttar 104395 record became apparent to Gary and Acuff-Rose when a picture ofrepparttar 104396 Jack Kershaw AKA Karl designed record sleeve withrepparttar 104397 title 'They Slew The Dreamer' and Gary's name appeared onrepparttar 104398 front page ofrepparttar 104399 now defunct Nashville Banner withrepparttar 104400 caption 'James Earl Ray Promotion Gimmicks'. The front page news story also included a Tee Shirt withrepparttar 104401 slogan 'I Didn't Do It' and a picture of James Earl Ray. Gary, Mary Noel and their partner, Attorney Jack Kershaw met with a number of other attorneys and all agreed it would not be helpful to sue anyone becauserepparttar 104402 Federal Government said Gary's lyrics torepparttar 104403 song had no factual basis. The official government position was that there was no conspiracy in King's assassination and any words from Gary Revel that disagreed with their position was purely fiction. The deadly accuracy ofrepparttar 104404 lyrics on Gary's record sleeve containrepparttar 104405 elements that spell out King's murder andrepparttar 104406 conspiracy that killed him. They tellrepparttar 104407 'true' story ofrepparttar 104408 conspiracy and assassination of Martin Luther King Jr. and by virtue thatrepparttar 104409 song and record are a copyrighted work of Gary Revel and protected as such byrepparttar 104410 Federal Courts provide a juxtaposed and complicated scenario that is refuted and protected byrepparttar 104411 government atrepparttar 104412 same time. Howeverrepparttar 104413 published caption 'James Earl Ray Promotion Gimmicks' could not be a cause of action for suit because allrepparttar 104414 State and Federal laws related to it protectedrepparttar 104415 newspaper in that it was for their purposes a truthful statement.

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