10 Super Ways To Promote Your Web Site Offline!

Written by Larry Dotson

1. Have a bumper sticker printed up with your web site address and other business information. Place it onrepparttar bumper of your car. People will see it when you're driving.

2. Have some t-shirts made with your web site address and other business information. Your family or friends could wear them almost anywhere.

3. Have some ball caps made with your web site address and other business information. Wear them to keeprepparttar 124475 sun out of your eyes and promote your business atrepparttar 124476 same time.

4. Have some business cards printed up with your web site address and other business information. Pass them out to people you meet or that might be interested in your business.

5. Have a magnetic sign made with your web site address and other business information. Place it on your car door or roof when you are traveling.

6. Have some flyers printed out with your web site address and other business information. Keep a few with you to hang on bulletin boards you see.

How to Get On Talk Radio and Reach Thousands for FREE!

Written by Kevin Nunley

Want a FREE way to promote your business to thousands in your area? How about a free way to market to customers nationwide? Talk radio gives you both at zero cost.

Before I started DrNunley.com, I worked acrossrepparttar hall from a talk radio station. The lobby was constantly filled with people who were appearing as guests on talk shows. What an interesting group! I metrepparttar 124474 Governor, rock stars, famous writers, everyday people promoting causes, and a whole assortment of accountants, gardeners, financial planners, realtors, crafts people, and educators.

For every famous person who stepped up torepparttar 124475 mic, there were 20 "regular" experts on every issue you can think of. These were local business owners, professionals, and workers who had interesting informationrepparttar 124476 radio audience would find helpful.

Guests usually aren't allowed to turn their on-air appearances into self-serving ads (that's what paid commercials are for), but no guests leaves without grabbing a considerable amount of promotional benefit for themselves. Guests almost always get a chance to share their phone number, email address, office location, or web site URL.

There is no shortage of talk show opportunities. Talk stations number inrepparttar 124477 thousands throughoutrepparttar 124478 US and Canada. Many more radio stations have a Sunday morning talk show.

First find one or two stations in your area. Listen torepparttar 124479 shows and become familiar withrepparttar 124480 hosts andrepparttar 124481 topics they like to cover. Next, CALL or EMAILrepparttar 124482 radio station and talk withrepparttar 124483 host or producer. You can get station contact info fromrepparttar 124484 yellow pages. You may be able to get an email address that goes directly torepparttar 124485 host. Most stations have web sites you can search for and easily find.

Tellrepparttar 124486 host what subject you specialize in. You don't have to be a world-class expert, just have some helpful tipsrepparttar 124487 audience will be interested in. A day care owner could talk about how to keep small kids busy while Mom or Dad works at home. An accountant or lawyer might give tips for saving on taxes or fighting an IRS audit. Somebody who does a lot of fishing could talk about favorite lakes and bait.

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