10 Steps to Improving Your Triathlon Swim

Written by Kevin Koskella

As technical asrepparttar sport of swimming can be, it is tough to narrow downrepparttar 143997 answer torepparttar 143998 often-asked question, “what should I concentrate on?” So, I came up with a “top ten” list of steps to improving your swim for a triathlon. These aren’t necessarily in any order, but should go a long way in helping you achieve your goals, whether you are a beginner or trying to go pro.

1.Hand Entry. Slice your hand intorepparttar 143999 water right about at your goggle line, and drive it forward. Many swimmers attempt to get as much “air time” as possible by reachingrepparttar 144000 hand out before entering intorepparttar 144001 water, but it is actually more efficient to go throughrepparttar 144002 water with your hand as you rotate from one side torepparttar 144003 other.

2.Head Position. Keep looking straight down when swimming freestyle. It’s important to keep your head down with only a small part ofrepparttar 144004 back of your head out ofrepparttar 144005 water. Also, as you rotate throughrepparttar 144006 water, try not to move your head withrepparttar 144007 rest of your body rotation.

3.Pull. In freestyle, your hands should pull allrepparttar 144008 way back past your hips. The last part ofrepparttar 144009 stroke before recovery (arms coming out ofrepparttar 144010 water) should be an acceleration behind you, and not up out ofrepparttar 144011 water.

4.Kick. Try minimizing your kick as you train for swimming. Most people will kick extra hard to make up for lack of balance inrepparttar 144012 water. Minimizing your kick will allow you to improve your balance, as well as conserve energy.

5.Training Intensity. The best way to measure your training intensity is to count your heart rate immediately after each swim. You can estimate your heart rate by counting your pulse rate for six seconds immediately after each swim. Add a zero to this count, and you will have your approximate exercise heart rate per minute.

6.Master’s Swimming. Move to a slower lane to work on stroke improvement. If you belong to a masters team, don’t feel that you always need to keep up with your lanemates at every workout. Masters teams typically have many people with many different swimming goals. It’s important to do your own thing! Remember that technique comes before all else and if this means swallowing a little pride to make improvements, just think of how much faster you will be for this inrepparttar 144013 long run.

8 Tips to Open Water Swimming

Written by Kevin Koskella

So you're ready to get out there and do some open water swimming to prepare for your next triathlon? Before you go dipping into your local body of water, keep these tips in mind:

1. Never swim alone. For safety purposes, always swim with a group or bring along a friend. Givenrepparttar unknown elements, a dangerous situation may arise such as fog, currents, boats, etc. where you will be in much better shape with others around.

2. Adjust to cold water. Ifrepparttar 143996 water you are training in is cold, below 66 degrees fahrenheit, be prepared. Wetsuits are necessary. Wearing a swim cap and earplugs can help keep your head warm. Get inrepparttar 143997 water slowly and only get in for 5-20 minutesrepparttar 143998 first time out, gradually increasing your time inrepparttar 143999 water with each swim.

4. Upon exit of your cold water swim, drink warm fluids, take off your wetsuit, and dress warmly.

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