10 Reasons Why Your Company Needs An Effective Web Site!

Written by Chris Maley

1. Be Open For Business 24 Hours A Day

Your business is open torepparttar world 24 hours a day, 7 days a week with no labor costs to watch out for and a website faces no time zone barriers.

2. Reach New Markets With a Global Audience

The Internet isrepparttar 103197 most cost effective way to trade nationally and internationally. A website will broaden your base of customers, members, distributors or suppliers. You can generate more and more clients for your business without doing additional marketing or having to endure additional marketing costs. Today, more and more customers are making purchases throughrepparttar 103198 Internet. Why should you limit your business to your immediate locale whenrepparttar 103199 whole world may be your potential market? Thanks torepparttar 103200 Internet, it is as easy to sell halfway acrossrepparttar 103201 world as it is to sell acrossrepparttar 103202 street.

3. Marketing Hot Spot For The Global Economy

The Internet has becomerepparttar 103203 marketing hot spot forrepparttar 103204 global economy. Many business leaders are realizing that their organizations will thrive in this global internet economy who will grasp its importance before their competitors do. A well-designed website is not only an internet identity for your organization, it is an essential part ofrepparttar 103205 success and future of your company this new information age.

4. Present a Professional and Credible Image

Your organization must makerepparttar 103206 leap intorepparttar 103207 new marketing realm if it is to be perceived as professional in today's marketplace. Today, customers, employees, and suppliers expect to be able to find and communicate with a business online. It is very much like having to be listed inrepparttar 103208 yellow pages inrepparttar 103209 past, if you do not have a listing, potential customers will not be able to find you and have confidence in your business over your competition. Businesses that do not have a Web presence are making a statement about their inability to embrace technology and adapt to change in today's growing technical environment. For a small business, a well-designed website is a great way of creating credibility and looking bigger than you actually are. You can look like one ofrepparttar 103210 big corporations at a very small cost. When one comparesrepparttar 103211 cost of establishing a website to what it costs to promote a business in any other traditional media (newspaper, radio, television), it is evident that a website isrepparttar 103212 cheapest form of marketing ever created forrepparttar 103213 audience and value it brings to your business.

5. Improved Customer Service

Protectionism in Russia

Written by Sergey Talpa

The new law "Special Protective, Antidumping and Import Compensatory Measures" differs fromrepparttar old one byrepparttar 103196 fact that it fully complies withrepparttar 103197 WTO (World Trade Organization) standards. It is forrepparttar 103198 first time inrepparttar 103199 Russian practice that a law describes in detail what is necessary to do in order to protectrepparttar 103200 Russian market and how to do it. As its authors promised,repparttar 103201 Law has turned out to be extremely concrete: it is conceived so thatrepparttar 103202 officials as well asrepparttar 103203 participants of trade agreements will be able to find straight answers to their questions, and they should not search for any special "explanations" and "commentaries".

The law provides a listing of basic concepts. Not everyone in Russia, even among lawyers, will be able to tell straight off what "dumping leverage" is, and what "dumping import" is. Forrepparttar 103204 majority of people it becomes a revelation, that "dumping" is notrepparttar 103205 sale of foreign goods in Russia at lower prices than similar local products cost (that's what for some reason most people think) butrepparttar 103206 sale of a product cheaper, than local production costs. A number of base concepts comprise such, as "the material loss of an industry" (what to understand in general underrepparttar 103207 term "damage") and "serious damage " (how to calculate it), and in general a lot of other things, which are clear "in general", but very artful when officials start to build a state policy, based onrepparttar 103208 intuitive understanding of such terms.

For example,repparttar 103209 Law providesrepparttar 103210 description ofrepparttar 103211 investigation concept, which should precederepparttar 103212 introduction of all protective measures against "bad" foreign goods.

The Law states, thatrepparttar 103213 body responsible for investigation, is appointed byrepparttar 103214 decision ofrepparttar 103215 Government ofrepparttar 103216 Russian Federation, and defines concrete timeframe, both forrepparttar 103217 investigation, and for implementation of its results (the measures, taken according to investigation results should be approved byrepparttar 103218 Government not later than 14 days after they are exposed). In case of a highly critical situation such measures need to be introduced extremely rapidly, asrepparttar 103219 Government can practically instantly introduce a special tax (protective import tax) onrepparttar 103220 goods that cause damage torepparttar 103221 economy. Should it be found out later, that this tax is excessively heavy;repparttar 103222 foreign trade participants will haverepparttar 103223 right to be reimbursed forrepparttar 103224 actual incurred losses. Such import tax cannot be effective for more than 200 days.

The Law describes in detail how to establishrepparttar 103225 degree of damage torepparttar 103226 Russian economy from "bad" import. Special protective measures have to be implemented in order to protectrepparttar 103227 economy,repparttar 103228 Law clearly defines, what those are and in what case they should be used, for how long and what isrepparttar 103229 order of their review. The main idea behind this is that such protective measures should be lifted, as soon as they fulfill their purpose. It is important not to go too far with those measures, otherwiserepparttar 103230 market protection may cause more harm than good, creating withrepparttar 103231 domestic manufacturer a sensation of absence of competition, thatrepparttar 103232 buyers will berepparttar 103233 first ones to feel.

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