10 Quick and Easy Steps To Building A HIGHLY Targeted And Responsive Opt-In List

Written by Cory Threlfall

Copyright 2005 The IWE, LLC. All Rights Reserved.

We've all heard it that in order to stay in business online you need to build a Targeted 'Opt-In' list.

Well... I truly have to agree with that simply because this is where you'll always have a consistent source of FREE Targeted traffic(also referred to as 'Sticky Traffic') to promote your offers or related information to for years to come.

It just makes sense, wouldn't you say?

And, we all know that 'Email' is whererepparttar $MONEY$ is truly made when it comes to marketing your business online because it gives Yourepparttar 108576 ability to Follow-Up your potential customers until they decide to buy from You.

But,repparttar 108577 problem that usually takes place is that people don't know where to start when it comes to building there own targeted Opt-In list.

Now, for those of you that are new Internet marketing and don't know what a 'Opt-In' list is, here's a quick definition:

An 'Opt-In' list is simply a database of peoples Names and Email Addresses that have subscribed to an email list via a web form giving that list owner permission to send them periodic emails onrepparttar 108578 topic they are interested in.

Notice how I said, "giving that list owner permission to send them email".

When they subscribe to your Opt-In list they are giving You permission to send them offers or related information onrepparttar 108579 topic they are interested in, this is known as 'Permission Email Marketing'.

This isrepparttar 108580 ABSOLUTE safest form of email marketing where You won't get accused of 'SPAM'.

This is very important that You understand this fromrepparttar 108581 beginning.

So, now that you have a clear idea in your mind of what an Opt-In list is and how it will benefit You and your business, I guess it's time to share with yourepparttar 108582 simple 'Ten Step Process' that I have put together for you on How-To build your own targeted Opt-In list that you can email your offers to at any given time for $Profit$.

Step #1. Pick your Target market or Niche.

This is a very important step because this is where you need to figure out who your target market is going to be forrepparttar 108583 Product or Service your going to offer.

So, for example, if I was interested in selling a book related to Internet Marketing, well then, my target market would be Internet Marketing related.

Step #2. Can your Target market or Niche be reach online?

This step is where you need to do a little research on whether or not your particular target market can be reached online.

In order to do this you need to do some keyword research using keywords related to your target market.

You can do this by usingrepparttar 108584 Overture keyword research tool located atrepparttar 108585 URL I've provided below.


Simply type inrepparttar 108586 keywords related to your target market inrepparttar 108587 form provided.

This will give you a detailed history of how many searches have been made inrepparttar 108588 last 30 days onrepparttar 108589 keywords related to your target market.

As a general rule, if your targeted keywords aren't pulling in 15,000 or more searches per month, then this is a market I wouldn't pursue simply because there isn't much demand for it.

Step #3. Are they making money in this Niche?

This is where you need to do some research on your competition to see if people are spending any money in this Niche.

You can do this by going to Google at http://www.google.com and type in your targeted keywords related to your Niche inrepparttar 108590 form provided.

This will give you a list of search results.

Those results are your competition, but even more important, torepparttar 108591 right you'll notice little ads.

These are paid ads offered through Google Adwords.

This means that somebody is willing to pay to advertise and is paying attention to this particular Niche and must be making money if they're willing to pay for advertising.

That's good news for you.

Step #4. Use Forums to find your Target markets problems.

Forums are a great place to find out exactly what your potential customers TOP problems are by simply scanning there posts and looking forrepparttar 108592 most common threads.

By doing this you'll be able to know right away what your target markets TOP problems are and how you can help solve there problem.

To find Forums related to your Niche simply visit Google http://www.google.com and type in your targeted keywords with '+ forums' after your keyword.(ex. internet marketing + forums)

Three Things You Must Do When Designing and Building Your Small Business Website

Written by Michael Massie

Copyright 2005 Modern Digital Marketing LLC

If you are going to have a web presence for your small business, it only makes sense that it should actually help you get more business. In order to do so, your website design should focus on performing only one function – and that’s to convey your sales message to your site visitors in an effective and efficient manner.

No matter what your web designer tells you, simplicity is best when building your small business website. While having a website with lots of bright colors and flashy interactive graphics might win web design awards, it will probably not help you win customers. In fact,repparttar more complicated your web design,repparttar 108575 higherrepparttar 108576 risk that your sales message will be lost amidst allrepparttar 108577 fancy bells and whistles on your site.

For most small businesses, a simple and elegant four or five page website is all they need to getrepparttar 108578 job done. As an added bonus, such sites are inexpensive when compared to flashier multimedia sites. If you want your small business website to increase your profits instead of emptying your pocketbook, pay close attention torepparttar 108579 following design guidelines when you build your site.

Make Your Website Easy to Read In order for your website to get sales and/or leads, your small business website design needs to be user and consumer-friendly - that means it needs to be easy to read. So, short sentences and paragraphs, dark text on white (or very, very light) backgrounds and lots of white space should berepparttar 108580 norm.

Atrepparttar 108581 risk of sounding like a broken record, I’ll say it again -repparttar 108582 purpose of having a website for your small business isn’t to win design awards. It’s to convey information about your product or service that guidesrepparttar 108583 consumer toward making a buying decision in your favor.

If you think that dark websites and colored text on colored backgrounds looks better, you may be right. However, as I mentioned earlier loud colors and excessive graphics only serve to distract attention fromrepparttar 108584 sales message contained in your site content and makes your site harder to read. Remember: keep it simple and you’ll keeprepparttar 108585 sale.

Also, remember that web users tend to scan text instead of reading it start to finish like printed text. Sincerepparttar 108586 majority of your visitors will not read all your content, use headlines, subheadings, and bolded text that quickly convey your overall message. Done correctly, a visitor should be able to scan all your headlines, subheads, and bold text in just a few seconds and understandrepparttar 108587 central message of your site or page.

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