10 Quick Tips for Buying Treadmills

Written by Jennifer Dennis

10 Quick Tips for Buying Treadmills

Thinking about purchasing a treadmill? Before you make a purchase, read these important tips for buyingrepparttar machine. This fitness equipment will be an important investment, both financially and physically. Read these important considerations before you decide which make, model and style work best for you.

1. Price ranges for treadmills generally break down inrepparttar 112937 following:

    - Budget: $500 - $1500

    - Mid-Range: $2500-$3000

    - Quality: $3000 and up

With treadmills, you get what you pay for—literally. With every additional dollar, you are assured a superior product. Stronger belts, motors, premier monitors, more exciting fitness programs—the list goes on and on. Look for a smooth ride onrepparttar 112938 treadmill machine, easy-to-adjust incline, water bottle holders and additional features that will make allrepparttar 112939 difference on your run. With every additional dollar, you will also ensure increased use, year after year.

2. Your fitness level can dictate what type of treadmill you should buy. Do you see yourself frequently running or do you prefer to walk? Daily fitness lifestyles determinerepparttar 112940 model you should purchase. If you prefer walking, you need a strong belt with easy-to-adjust incline levels to give yourepparttar 112941 multi-faceted workout you want. If you are a fast, strong runner, a longer belt will be a better fit for you. Ensure that you have strong, steady arm rails that can support your body. A beginning walker should have an incline of at least 10% and a 15% for advanced users for maximum output.

Walkers should be able to attain a speed of 5 mph or 8 to 11 mph for runners. The speed should increase incrementally so thatrepparttar 112942 user does not fall off while adjusting speeds. All machines should have an auto-switch in case of accidents or emergencies.

3. The deck length and width can substantially affect your workout experience. If you frequently walk, you will want a treadmill that is wider to give you plenty of room to exercise. Runners prefer a longer deck to enjoy a full range of motion while exercising. Either way, you will get a great lower body workout with high cardiovascular intensity that can lengthen your life—and improve your daily experience.

4. A good treadmill deck should be low-impact and a least a quarter-inch think. Low-impact decks provide stress relief on your joints and back. Read more on Flex decks vs. Standard decks to see which one fits your fitness lifestyle best. Overall,repparttar 112943 more cushion on a deck,repparttar 112944 more motivationrepparttar 112945 fitness user has to takerepparttar 112946 next step... and next step... and next step.

The History of Elliptical Machines

Written by Jennifer Dennis

The History of Elliptical Machines

The presence of elliptical trainers has grown more and more prevalent inrepparttar last few years. Go into any public gym and you will see thatrepparttar 112936 number of elliptical trainers is more thanrepparttar 112937 number of treadmills! Whilerepparttar 112938 treadmill is a popular method of exercise, fitness enthusiasts have grown to love and look forward to a rewarding hour onrepparttar 112939 elliptical trainer.

With each year, more and more people realize how important it is to stay fit. Obesity, high cholesterol and more are increasing among our population, year after year. Children are now getting diseases formerly seen in elderly adults—all due torepparttar 112940 fact that they are in poor health. With increased aerobic activity, an individual will add years to their life, as well as appreciate a stronger body, higher self-confidence and so much more!

Elliptical trainers are a direct result of individuals wanting a superior fitness workout. For years, fitness experts have encouraged cardiovascular exercise to help circulation, burn fat, build stronger bones and muscles and more. The best results were garnered from hiking, running and other weight-bearing activities. Fitness equipment mimicked these natural exercises withrepparttar 112941 creation ofrepparttar 112942 treadmill, stepper and others. Unfortunately, these exercises also contributed to additional stress onrepparttar 112943 back, knees and other joints. There was a need for a machine that could generate maximum cardiovascular exercise—with minimal stress and pressure onrepparttar 112944 back and joints.

Enterrepparttar 112945 elliptical machine. Like many other fitness equipment pieces, whenrepparttar 112946 elliptical first arrived, it was a huge success. Some inrepparttar 112947 fitness industry, however, questioned its staying power. How long would this one last? The elliptical machine (and its manufacturers) has silenced those critics. Year after year,repparttar 112948 popularity of elliptical trainers shines. The goal to create a machine that helped a body expend maximum calories through minimal pressure was complete.

The term “elliptical” comes fromrepparttar 112949 idea thatrepparttar 112950 exercise motion performed is a “preferred pattern of movement.” When you jump on an elliptical machine,repparttar 112951 pedals move in an egg-shape or oval “preferred pattern,” creating a rhythmic, smooth movement that works your body—without any stress onrepparttar 112952 back or joints.

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