10 Profitable Ways To Promote Yourself!

Written by Larry Dotson

People will feel more comfortable purchasing your products if you give them a little information about yourself or business. The information could be your profile, employee profiles, overall business history, education credentials, awards you've won, etc. Below are 10 ways you can use to promote yourself.

1. Teach a free chat room class on a subject related to your business. You could install a chat room on your web site or use a free one from another web site. Beforerepparttar class starts tell them a little about yourself.

2. Publish a free e-zine. Use some ofrepparttar 121492 extra space in your e-zine to write about yourself or business. This could be called "A Note Fromrepparttar 121493 Editor".

3. Publish a section on your web site called "About Us". With your information you could also include pictures. This shows people your not hiding behind your business.

4. Write an article on your area of expertise. Include a resource box atrepparttar 121494 end ofrepparttar 121495 article. You can add information about yourself inrepparttar 121496 resource box. E-mailrepparttar 121497 article to web sites or e-zines that accept article submissions.

5. Create and giveaway a free ebook. Inrepparttar 121498 ebook include a section called "About The Author". Also, include an advertisement for your business.

The Power Of Subconscious Marketing

Written by Larry Dotson

When you persuade your prospect's subconscious mind to do something, their conscious mind will usually follow. This is true even ifrepparttar conscious mind disagrees withrepparttar 121491 subconscious.

For example, your prospect may make a conscious choice not to buy your book on getting over shyness until his subconscious mind suddenly imagines himself meeting and talking torepparttar 121492 girl of his dreams with confidence and with- out being shy.

We've all experienced that same buying pattern thousands of times. Your subconscious mind changed your conscious mind's decision not to buy. How many times have you bought something that logically you knew you could not afford, but subconsciously you imaginedrepparttar 121493 pleasure and positive emotions you would receive as a result of buying?

The subconscious mind can be persuaded by many things like visuals, imagination, rhythm, repetition, emotions, etc. The conscious mind usually deals with logic, words, numbers, problem solving, etc.

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