10 POWERFUL Reasons Why You're Crazy NOT To Start A... Home Based Business In 2005

Written by Cory Threlfall

Copyright 2005 The IWE, LLC

Home Based Business's are spreading across North America and have become widely recognized as one ofrepparttar most desirable business's to start for several reasons.

Just think for a minute what it would be like to work from home and never have to worry about waiting in grid lock traffic or to answer to your boss's demands.

Wouldn't that be great?

In todays fast paced world a little extra income doesn't hurt in order forrepparttar 108629 average guy or gal to get ahead in life so they can enjoyrepparttar 108630 little extra's life has to offer that there current job doesn't allow them to do.

I know from experience because that's what made me takerepparttar 108631 neccessary action steps required in order for me to enjoyrepparttar 108632 quality of life I wanted to live and provide for my family.

But,repparttar 108633 problem that usually occurs is people need to be motivated by something or inspired in order to take action.

Well,repparttar 108634 purpose of this article is to do exactly that, inspire you.

I'm going to cover with yourepparttar 108635 10 main reasons why You should consider starting your known 'Home Based Business' andrepparttar 108636 benefits behind each of them.

I guarantee once you read through them you'll agree that a 'Home Based Business' might be worth considering.

With that said, let's go to reason #1.

1. Be your own Boss.

Ever dream of being your own Boss?

Well starting a 'Home Based Business' is a step inrepparttar 108637 right direction andrepparttar 108638 best part is, you'll never have to answer to anyone else's orders, just your own.

2. Work when you want to.

This is probably one ofrepparttar 108639 best reasons in my book for starting a 'Home Based Business' simply because you get to set your own schedule for what hours You want to work.

This is especially beneficial for stay at home moms who have children to tend to and need some flexibility in there work schedules.

3. Freedom to do what you want when you want.

How's that for a reason to get started. By being your own boss and being able to schedule your own work hours you NOW haverepparttar 108640 freedom to do what you want when you want to with whom you want at anytime.

It's a great feeling to be in control of your own life and do what you want when you want.

4. No more worrying about job security.

By having you own 'Home Based Business' you never have to worry about receiving a pink slip from your boss or a "SORRY", butrepparttar 108641 company has to cut back on its employee's and You happen to be one ofrepparttar 108642 one's who has to go.

5. It doesn't interfere with your current "J.O.B.".

That's right, you don't have to quit your current J.O.B. in order to get started. You can start on a part-time basis until your able to replace your current income withrepparttar 108643 income you generate from your business.

Disaster Proof Your Business

Written by Dave Collins

Copyright 2005 SharewarePromotions Ltd

Who cares about which side ofrepparttar toast hitsrepparttar 108628 floor first? If it's your toast, and your floor, thenrepparttar 108629 answer is probably you. But fate may have a lot more than a dirty breakfast in store for you, especially when it comes to your business.

The disturbing fact is that those of us who run our own small businesses are more at risk than our corporate comrades. They can enjoyrepparttar 108630 luxury of choosing whether to put all their eggs in one basket, but most of us only haverepparttar 108631 one egg, and there's no shortage of ways to break it.

Chances are that your business is reliant on one single person in one single office. So taking precautions shouldn't just be a habit, it should be a way of life.

What If Something Happened To You?

Let's look atrepparttar 108632 first link inrepparttar 108633 chain. You. If your business relies almost completely on your name, knowledge and capabilities, have you considered what might happen if something were to happen to you? If you catch a cold, you'll probably be able to keep things ticking over. But what if you need to go away unexpectedly for a few days? Or need some kind of longer break? Is your system setup in a way that your partner can keep things ticking over? Or is most of it in your head? If you have a lot of time-based commitments, and rely on your business as your main source of income, then it might be worthwhile showing someone how things work now, before it becomes vital to do so. Try to imagine explaining to someone onrepparttar 108634 phone how to create a mail-merge from your database and word processor. Nasty.

As with most things in life, an hour or two of preparation could be a sound move, and time well spent. Showing your assistant or spouse how your email client works, where you store your client list, and how to process an order might take you an hour. But this could well save you a great deal of time, stress and money at some point inrepparttar 108635 future. Think ahead, and plan forrepparttar 108636 worst. Caution is not paranoia.

Your Equipment Is Vulnerable

The next link inrepparttar 108637 chain is your equipment. 99% ofrepparttar 108638 work that I do is carried out on a computer. To describe a PC as vulnerable is something of an understatement. Viruses, power-surges, hardware breakdowns, lightning, idiocy, coffee, bad-software, dog-fur, theft …repparttar 108639 list of potential enemies is endless. No-one likes computer problems, but when they can grind your business to a halt, they're a whole lot more important.

And let's face it. Call me superstitious if you wish, but you know as well as I do that these problems always happen atrepparttar 108640 worst time. When'srepparttar 108641 last time you had a system crash when you just wanted to browserepparttar 108642 newsgroups, fire-off a letter to a friend, or test your skill behindrepparttar 108643 (virtual) controls of a Concorde? It doesn't happen. The problems strike when you're working. The night before I had to hand in a business proposal for funding wasrepparttar 108644 first (and only) time that my Windows 2000 went belly-up. I couldn't get it going - not through safe mode, using start-up disks, emergency repair - nothing worked.

So take precautions. A basic UPS device can protect your computer from a power surge or power-cut, and as such might well save your data one day. If you haven't yet got one, my advice would be to put it atrepparttar 108645 very top of your list, especially if your area is prone to power fluctuations or electrical storms. Weigh uprepparttar 108646 cost of buying one againstrepparttar 108647 cost of losing your data. Worth it?

Backups Are your Best Friends

Backups have become a way of life for me. I backup my critical data every night onto a ZIP disk, and use a set of three in rotation. I have never and will never miss a backup. While I've only had to use them four or five times in as many years, they've been a real life saver each time. Make it a habit. Slapping your forehead saying "I wish, I wish" afterrepparttar 108648 event is no good; trust me!

On top of that I make a more thorough backup once a week onto a CD-R. Other options include FTP storage and backing-up over a network. Look into all of them. Off-site storage is also a good idea. If you're ever unlucky enough to experience either a fire or theft, you may realiserepparttar 108649 pointlessness of keeping your backups inrepparttar 108650 same room. Sending or mailing a CD once a month to someone in your family takes minutes and costs almost nothing. If you never userepparttar 108651 backups, what have you lost? Ifrepparttar 108652 day comes when you do need them, you'll be grateful.

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