10 Networking Myths For Newbies-To-Networking

Written by Maria Marsala

It's a given, isn’t it? If you're in business, your number one job is to market. If you keep your business a secret - don't let people know how you can help make their lives better and what you do, you won't be successful - because no one will know that you're in business. How well you network, which isrepparttar "letting people know how you can help them" part, may well determine whether you succeed – or fail.

There are four main types of organizations where networking opportunities for business owners exist. There are 1) business networking groups, 2) service-oriented groups (Rotary, Elks, Soroptimist, for example), 3) our local Chambers of Commerce, and 4) business-specific groups (realtors-only, coaches-only, etc.)

Which one is best for you? Well, in all ofrepparttar 102853 groups, you are connecting with other business owners, getting to know them personally and professionally, building trust, and forging new relationships that can potentially bring you business. However, with business networking groups,repparttar 102854 main focus,repparttar 102855 primary objective, is to boost each member's business. And isn't that a great objective?

Business networking groups are "exclusive," meaning that only one member in each category of business can join. So each group will have only one printer, one residential real estate agent, one property manager, one web designer, etc.

For many women getting started in business,repparttar 102856 business networking options probably seem abundant. Online, offline, via email, via telephone, groups meeting weekly, groups meeting once monthly. Some are geared specifically towards women business owners; others are not. Some groups are part of a larger network of regional, national and international association, while other groups are home grown. The networking events or meetings are usually structured so that women feel "welcome" and are designed to maximize opportunities to meet others. Sounds good, right?

But what if you've never had to network before? Or if you're an introvert? Like me!

Some people make networking look effortless, but here's a secret: even forrepparttar 102857 most gregarious among us, networking always requires preparation. Introvert who prepare, practice, practice, and practice can become “Networking Queens.” (And don't forget to breathe!) If you’re a newbie-to-networking, don't let these common myths about networking de-rail your efforts to become well known in your industry.

Myth #1: Networking groups are only for new business owners. Truth: Many networking groups who show sustained growth have a majority of members who have been in business at least 5 years.

Myth #2: The only business owners who join networking groups are unsuccessful ones. Truth: See myth #1.

Myth #3: Men don't join networking groups. Truth: Inrepparttar 102858 small county I live in, men started 1/3 ofrepparttar 102859 business networking groups. One group is a women-only group andrepparttar 102860 other groups are a mixture of both men and women.

Revenue or Employee Size for Small Manufacturing Enterprise Definition Obsolete: Number of Parts for product Assembly more Accurate

Written by Rocky Smolin

E-Z-MRP,repparttar leading manufacturing software system for small manufacturers, announced effective April 15th, there will be a new pricing and product structure. According to Rocky Smolin, founder of Beach Access Software, makers of E-Z-MRP, “We see a distinction between those small manufacturers with less than five hundred parts in material resource planning, and those with a need for unlimited part numbers.”

Smolin noted that some manufacturers will start withrepparttar 102852 under 500 parts version of E-Z-MRP, priced at $2995, and grow intorepparttar 102853 new unlimited version, priced at $9800. Beach Access Software creditsrepparttar 102854 $2995 for customers who later choose to upgrade. Other small manufacturers who presently have more than five hundred part will start right away withrepparttar 102855 E-Z-MRP Unlimited version.

Small manufacturers with more than one hundred parts can no longer managerepparttar 102856 manufacturing process on an Excel spreadsheet. Since more than 84% of all manufacturers have less than fifty employees, there is a remarkable opportunity for cost-effective manufacturing systems like E-Z-MRP. Despiterepparttar 102857 extensive media coverage regarding ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning), in most cases these small manufacturers do not require allrepparttar 102858 functionality offered, nor can many affordrepparttar 102859 price point.

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