10 Keys to Rise From Retrenchment and Move on to an Exciting New Future!

Written by Kim Beardsmore

You may be astonished to realize that retrenchment may occur more than once duringrepparttar life ofrepparttar 103300 modern day worker. In fact, career advisors report that we could expect to be made redundant up to three times during our working life.

As common as retrenchment is, when it happens, no one likes it. Whatever range of emotions initially emerge - fear, anger, resentment, retaliation, humiliation, disappointment - we should recognise as being quite normal. How we respond and deal withrepparttar 103301 situation will influence our entire financial future and how quickly we move through these negative emotions.

This article will assist those people who may wonder how to deal with retrenchment. These ten keys will help you move on quickly and re-establish yourself in a productive working environment.

1.Don't take it personally. Redundancy is rarely, if ever, personal. Don't let it affect your self-confidence and morale. In most cases retrenchments occur as a result of changing economic situations, mergers or acquisitions which are typically outside most people's span of control.

2.Retrenchment is not an end, but rather a beginning. Even though we may not expect it, throughout various stages of our lives doors close and others open. When one door closes and it is a shock, we may not immediately see other doors opening.

3.Take advantage of outplacement support. If you company provides outplacement support - make full use of it. If no outplacement support has been provided ask ifrepparttar 103302 company could provide assistance with a registered outplacement firm. Research has shown that job seekers withrepparttar 103303 assistance of a qualified outplacement consultant have better strike rate in job interviews.

4.Sort out your finances. Discuss with your partner or spouse your financial position and make adjustments where necessary. Few people realize that this transition may be a gift to help you change directions. Poor financial planning may propel you into a less than favorable job and close down opportunities to explore what you really would like to be doing.

First Major Regulatory and Legislative Victory of 2005 for Creditors and Consumers

Written by Michelle Dunn

Underrepparttar Fair Debt Collection Practices Act, collectors are not allowed to disclose a consumers past due debt to anyone other thanrepparttar 103299 debtor and in some cases a spouse. The Telephone Consumer Protection Act would have required collectors to identifyrepparttar 103300 registered name of their business in any pre-recorded messages to consumers or debtors. Sincerepparttar 103301 name of many collection agencies indicates that they are a debt collection agency or that they are calling forrepparttar 103302 purpose of collecting a debt, this would have caused them to violaterepparttar 103303 FDCPA. The TCPA creates unworkable contradictions with collectors and creditors who are followingrepparttar 103304 Fair Debt Collection Practices Act.

The Telephone Consumer Protection Act (TCPA) of 1991 was created in response to consumer concerns aboutrepparttar 103305 growing number of unsolicited telemarketing calls to their homes andrepparttar 103306 increasing use of automated and prerecorded messages. The FCC has rules to aid consumers who wish to limit these uninvited calls. On June 26, 2003,repparttar 103307 FCC revised its rules implementingrepparttar 103308 TCPA and established, in coordination withrepparttar 103309 Federal Trade Commission (FTC), a national do-not-call registry.

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