10 Important Marketing Tips

Written by Bob Leduc

10 Important Marketing Tips Copyright 2003 Bob Leduc http://BobLeduc.com

Each ofrepparttar following Ten Marketing Tips is based on a highly effective - but often overlooked marketing tactic. How many are you using? How many have you overlooked?

Tip 1: Insulate yourself againstrepparttar 120726 impact of change by increasingrepparttar 120727 number of products and services you offer ...and by using a variety of different marketing methods. Only a small portion of your total business will be affected ifrepparttar 120728 sales of one product declines orrepparttar 120729 response to one marketing method drops.

Tip 2: Customers are prospects too. Stay in contact with them. Find or develop other products or services you can offer them. It's easier to make a sale to a previous customer than to someone who never bought from you.

Tip 3: Avoid making any claim that sounds exaggerated ...even if it is true. A bold claim creates doubt in your prospect's mind and jeopardizesrepparttar 120730 sale. Reduce any bold claims to a more believable level.

Tip 4: Express numerical claims as odd numbers with fractions or decimals. For example, "Our clients save 17.7 percent" sounds more believable than "Our clients save 20 percent" ...even if 20 percent isrepparttar 120731 accurate number.

Tip 5: To create an absolutely irresistible offer, combine a special discount price and a set of valuable bonuses inrepparttar 120732 same offer.

Tip 6: Develop a series of 4 or 5 different special offers. Use them one at a time with an expiration deadline. When one offer expires, replace it withrepparttar 120733 next offer and a new deadline. Continuously recycle throughrepparttar 120734 same series of offers. This enables you to keep using special offers to generate sales without taking time to develop new ones.

Tip 7: If you're attracting many prospects who really don't have (or can't get)repparttar 120735 money to buy your product or service ...you need to change your market. Target a market where prospects have an intense desire forrepparttar 120736 benefits produced by your product or service - ANDrepparttar 120737 money to buy it.

Leverage the Power of Publicity for Your Small Business

Written by Isabel Isidro

Your business is only as good asrepparttar number of people who knows about it. For your venture to grow, you need to start spreadingrepparttar 120725 word about your business. You may haverepparttar 120726 best products your field, but you cannot expect your business to breachrepparttar 120727 million-dollar mark in sales if onlyrepparttar 120728 people in your street know about it. Some entrepreneurs start doing promotions only when their businesses are up and running, while some market their business even beforerepparttar 120729 products or services are fully launched.

There are two ways to get your business noticed: through paid advertising and through public relations. In advertising, you pay to have your message placed in a newspaper, radio or television spot, or your banners displayed in a Web site. In public relations, onrepparttar 120730 other hand,repparttar 120731 article or show that features your story or business is not paid for. Rather,repparttar 120732 writer may have come across your story or business through research or references. The writer or media person deems it worthy to mention you or your business to bolster his or her arguments.

Hence, publicity can oftentimes be more effective than advertising. Not only is it cost-effective (oftentimes you are paying for nothing), but also people are apt to remember an article about your business rather than advertising. People find a write-up or special feature about a business more credible and objective than a paid advertising. Publicity also reaches a wider audience: if you are lucky,repparttar 120733 national media might even pick up your story.

Even inrepparttar 120734 online world, free exposure inrepparttar 120735 traditional media - television, radio or print - can be far more effective than other online marketing strategies. Nina Munk of urbanhound.com wrote in Fuse Magazine that her site saw a dramatic increase in traffic when NBC's Today show mentioned her site - much more thanrepparttar 120736 links from other web sites or postings from message boards. As she wrote inrepparttar 120737 article, "Forgetrepparttar 120738 power ofrepparttar 120739 Internet: it's television that counts."

Since media has a "herd mentality," once a program features your business or your story, expect other publications and shows to pick it up and use you for their own stories. The mention of urbanhound.com atrepparttar 120740 Today show led to mentions in Newsday, Forbes and Ladies' Home Journal. Without paying a single cent, Munk's site was able to reach a wider audience that his business needs.

How do you attractrepparttar 120741 journalists to use your story? Here are five ways you can do to succeed in generating free publicity for your business.

1. Carefully target journalists. Since you are courting them to use your story, don't put them off by sending bulk emails to practically allrepparttar 120742 journalists you know, no matter how totally unrelated your story is to their beat. Identifyrepparttar 120743 kinds of publication that may be interested in your story, and know who inrepparttar 120744 publication does your kind of stories. Make a list ofrepparttar 120745 newspapers, TV and radio programs that would be appropriate outlets. Then identifyrepparttar 120746 specific reporter or producer interested in your kind of story. If you want publicity for your bonsai business, for example, send your story pitch to a gardening publication orrepparttar 120747 home living editor of your local newspaper. Findrepparttar 120748 journalists (whether print, television or radio) who are most likely to be interested in your story. Send them personal emails or letters.

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