10 Hot Ways To Sell Your Products Like Crazy

Written by Steve Li

1. Turn your ad copy into a story or article. Your visitors won't be as hesitant to read your ad and will become more interested in your product.

2. Give visitors a freebie for filling out your online survey or they usually won't. Surveys will give your business valuable intelligence for your business

3. Enhancerepparttar power of your ad copy benefits by using attention getting words, highlighting keywords, using color, bolding key phrases, underlining, etc.

4. Give your visitors tons of choices so they don't getrepparttar 119958 feeling of being controlled. Offer them a variety of ways to order, contact you, navigate, etc.

5. Put yourself in your visitors shoes. Design your site for them, not for yourself. Create your product around your visitors not because you would buy it.

The Top 10 Ways to Market Any Business to Thousands by Leading Teleclasses

Written by Bea Fields

As business owners, we all know thatrepparttar key to fantastic sales is to let your customers have a personal experience of you. The difficulty, of course is that to give every customer that experience personally requires a tremendous time commitment of ourselves and our staff. So what do we do?

One solution is to leverage our time by doingrepparttar 119957 "wooing" once and then let that effort live on forever in a virtual format. It is about creating multiple products, programs, or streams of income fromrepparttar 119958 core of our business that can sell and propagate without our direct intervention!

But how do we do that?

By usingrepparttar 119959 up and coming medium of teleclasses!

By leading teleclasses (classes by telephone) you can leverage your classes in a way which will increase your productivity andrepparttar 119960 profitability of your business while becoming highly visible in your field or profession. You can becomerepparttar 119961 expert in your field --repparttar 119962 "go to" person! This article will provide you with ten ways to leverage your teleclasses for maximum visibility and for driving thousands of customers to your door.

If you would like to know more about what a telelcass is and how it can support your business, download this audio What is a Teleclass? (http://www.blipstudios.com/bea/teleclass_audio/teleclass_streaming.rm)

(1) Create audio recordings of your teleclasses.

Using a digital recording device such asrepparttar 119963 DM-1 Recorder by Olympus or a recording service such as Maklitel.com, you can capture your teleclasses on audio, which can be leveraged in multiple ways. This recording can be used as:

-A free download on your website (people love added value and a way to get to know you when they visit your site)

-A fee-based download (The going rate for a one hour download is approximately $19.00)

-A recording transferred to a CD and used as a business card (people love to have great content to listen to as they drive or walk)

(2) Combine several teleclasses, including recordings and written content, and create an online digital library.

An online digital library is a wonderful way to allow peoplerepparttar 119964 opportunity to buy a lifetime, annual, or month to month membership to your teleclass programs. Many people are unable to attendrepparttar 119965 teleclasses due to time constraints, so an online library will allow peoplerepparttar 119966 ability to experience your teleclasses in a self-study format. I recommend that you develop 20 solid teleclasses, record each teleclass, and combinerepparttar 119967 recordings with written content converted to PDF form, before opening your library. From here you will want to continue adding new content torepparttar 119968 library each month to keep people interested and jazzed enough about what you are offering that they re-subscribe from year to year or month to month.

(3) Turn your teleclasses into an article(s) for online and hard copy publications.

Teleclasses are a wonderful opportunity to build written content which you can share with your target audience inrepparttar 119969 form of an article or press release. By writing articles, you can takerepparttar 119970 content from your teleclasses and put it into a format which positions you as an expert inrepparttar 119971 media. This article you are reading is taken from a telelcass byrepparttar 119972 title of Leveraging Your Teleclasses for Long-Term Sustainability, and I am submitting this in multiple locations onrepparttar 119973 internet and to several hard copy magazines. The great thing about article writing is that your written word is then disseminated to thousands of people aroundrepparttar 119974 globe who are inrepparttar 119975 market forrepparttar 119976 products and services you are offering.

(4) Takerepparttar 119977 content from your teleclass, and develop a 7-10 week e-course.

Marketing studies show that it takes 7-10 touches with a client before he or she will buy from you. By writing a 7-10 week e-course (a weekly lesson delivered by e-mail) you can drop valuable tips which are related to your teleclasses intorepparttar 119978 inboxes of your target market. Make sure to include information on your upcoming teleclasses in your e-course, and create an active link inrepparttar 119979 course so that folks know how they can purchase a product or a program from you inrepparttar 119980 future.

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