10 Hiring Tips for Small Business Owners

Written by Peggie Arvidson-Dailey

Hiring Help for Small Business Owners © 2005Peggie Arvidson-Dailey

As a successful small business owner,you're accustomed to long hours; non-existent holidays and weekends spent working.

When wasrepparttar last time you went to your dentist? When wasrepparttar 103439 last time you had an uninterrupted night out with your partner?

Whether your goal for 2005 is to find more time for family or personal enrichment --like attending classes and conferences -- you'll want to consider bringing on some help.

The following tips can help you get started whether you want to bring on a team of 10 or an occasional backup!

Don't expect to hire a replica of you! Each person you meet and interview will be a living, breathing human, with their own habits, mannerisms and even ideas! This is fine - -as long as their ideas and habits are not philosophically opposed to yours. My first hire, Jen, was pursuing a graduate degree, had just moved torepparttar 103440 area and is nearly 20 years younger than I am! She's detail-oriented and relies on schedules to get things done. I'm a bit more 'seat of my pants' type of operator. She's a perfect fit because she complements my way of working! Over time she's grown into managing portions of my business that I neglected - like maintaining scheduling and billing.

Know exactly what you expect from your new hire. Before you advertise for help, sit down and write a job description. List your goals forrepparttar 103441 new hire - do you want someone who can fill in on short notice when you need to take a day off, or do you want someone who can work a regular schedule? Do you want someone who can meet with clients, set their own schedules and attend meetings and events on your behalf or do you simply need someone who can pick up your overflow? By spending time working through your thoughts on hired help you are setting yourself up for a great working relationship. If you can clearly articulaterepparttar 103442 job to all applicants, they will haverepparttar 103443 opportunity to determine if this is a mutually agreeable fit. Be sure to concentrate on specific job-related descriptions, and not subjective information.

Determine what type of manager you are! It's imperative that you’re honest about your workstyle. After all, if you say you want an independent thinker, but really do a lot of 'checking-in' you may end up with an unhappy helper. Onrepparttar 103444 other hand, if you hire someone who needs lots of feedback, you need to be sure that you are cut-out forrepparttar 103445 'people part' ofrepparttar 103446 management process.

Set aside time. If you expect to hire someone byrepparttar 103447 15th of next month you may be setting yourself up for failure. Just as you can't expect to find a perfect replica of you - you can't always put a deadline on your hiring process. In other words, plan to advertise, interview and train until you findrepparttar 103448 RIGHT person. (SECRET TIP: If you findrepparttar 103449 right person - Hire them right away and then find work for them! Never pass up a great hire!)

Success Tip : Making Your Business Look BIGGER to Your Customers

Written by Bob Decker

IT’S EASIER THAN YOU THINK NOT TO LOOK SMALL! Certain things will make your company look and feel small to investors and customers. By avoiding these easy to fix traps, you can go a long way in making your company appear more mature. First you must understand that every piece of paper and every word or graphic you present to your customers or potential investors will cause them to judge your professionalism. No detail is too small. No mistake is unimportant when you are building your reputation. The following details are especially important: · You need to have an effective website with minimal text that tellsrepparttar customer what he needs to know without making him dig for it. Don’t have typos and poor grammar on your site. Make sure your text can be read easily and can be printed off your website. Your website should be easy to navigate and have only that information which your customer needs to move torepparttar 103438 next step, which is to contact you directly. · You must have well-written and tightly focused sales collateral, which easily and quickly spells out your products and offerings. There should be no typos or grammatical errors. Don’t underestimaterepparttar 103439 importance of this. You should hire a professional writer to write your sales and marketing collateral. · You need formal, graphically designed company stationary and logo. All communications should represent your company’s own particular style. · Every presentation you make to your customer should be well crafted on a PowerPoint design template that has been created specifically for your company. · Even if your organization is small, it should be organized to look big. This means you should not have a flat organization. A flat organization, by design, keeps a company from growing. On your website you should have bios for each ofrepparttar 103440 company’s officers. The more officers your company has,repparttar 103441 more mature you will look. You might want to consider contracting with professional consultants to fill important VP slots until you can hire someone permanently. PACKAGE YOUR INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY Growing a small business is extremely difficult. Duringrepparttar 103442 early days, months, and years; as your business begins to grow; you string together ideas, products, and services to create an enterprise that reflects your own special talents. Somehow you must package this collection of offerings and present potential clients with a reason to buy from you. At some point, hopefully sooner rather than later, you need to take a step back and analyzerepparttar 103443 packaging to make sure it clearly reflects who you are today. COMPETE WITH THE BIG BOYS As you grow your sales revenues and begin to measure yourself againstrepparttar 103444 competition, winning your fair share ofrepparttar 103445 market has its challenges. Larger competitors haverepparttar 103446 advantage of mature sales and marketing organizations. Even when they have inferior products, these competitors’ larger look and feel often sets them ahead of you with customers. Customers may be “sold” onrepparttar 103447 competitor’s “packaging”, and buyrepparttar 103448 wrong product forrepparttar 103449 wrong reasons. Your challenge is not only to help them understand that your product isrepparttar 103450 better solution for their needs, but also to sell them onrepparttar 103451 viability of your organization. Unfortunately, perception is everything, and if your packaging makes you look small it really doesn’t matter if you haverepparttar 103452 best product, sometimes it doesn’t even matter if you haverepparttar 103453 best price. Buyers are often reluctant to do business with a company that looks small and/or immature. One thing you might want to consider is partnering with a consultant who is willing to serve as your Vice President of Sales and Marketing on a temporary basis. By doing

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