10 High-Impact Viral Marketing Strategies

Written by Rachel Phillips

Viral Marketing is allowing people to giveaway and use your free product or service in order to multiply your marketing quickly overrepparttar internet. The idea behind viral marketing is that you include your ad withrepparttar 103364 freebie people giveaway or use. Below are ten high impact viral marketing strategies:

1. Allow people to reprint your articles on their web site, in their e-zine, newsletter, magazine or ebooks. Include your resource box andrepparttar 103365 option for article reprints atrepparttar 103366 bottom of each article.

2. Allow people to use any of your freebies as free bonuses for products or services they sell. Include your ad on all your freebies.

3. Allow people to use your online discussion board for their own web site. Some people don't have one. Just include your banner ad atrepparttar 103367 top ofrepparttar 103368 board.

4. Allow people to sign up for a f.ree web site on your server. Since you are giving awayrepparttar 103369 space, require them to include your banner ad atrepparttar 103370 top ofrepparttar 103371 site.

Effective Stock Rotation Increases ROI

Written by Lawrence Roth

Every year isrepparttar same. Even leap years arerepparttar 103363 same as other years. Each January is followed by a February. There is always a November before December. Tuesday arrives after Monday. There are always twelve months to a year and three months to a quarter. There are four seasons: winter, spring, summer and fall.

Since each year isrepparttar 103364 same it offers a retail businessrepparttar 103365 opportunity to plan for ROI (Return on Investment). An effective policy to have is to never haverepparttar 103366 same merchandise in stock a year later. This means, using a shoe store as an example, that if you invested in forty shoes of one brand, none of those forty shoes should be in stock 366 days later.

To further illustraterepparttar 103367 point, let’s say thatrepparttar 103368 forty shoes are manufactured by Rox andrepparttar 103369 style number is 22N7A. There are various sizes for adult females and males. A Purchase Order with number 79563 was issued forrepparttar 103370 investment.

If you sell all forty shoes in a month, that is great. This does not mean you should not invest in forty more shoes ofrepparttar 103371 same brand and style. This means thatrepparttar 103372 forty shoes you received with Purchase Order 79563 should not still be around a year later. If you still got a pair or more of these shoes, then you are losing money.

An effective ROI strategy is to follow this Stock Rotation Philosophy and this is how it works. You purchase forty shoes from a vendor.

Your cost is $40 and you use your general pricing formula to determinerepparttar 103373 retail price. Let’s say retail is $99.99. You put your shoes on display and they are slow sellers. Two months downrepparttar 103374 road you sell have 35 pairs left.

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