10 Everlasting Profit Generators!Written by Larry Dotson
1. Sell an inexpensive product to sell an expensive product. If people like your inexpensive product, they'll be persuaded to buy your expensive one.2. Allow your visitors to decided how much they want to pay for your product. I only recommend it for products that don't sell or ones that hardly sell. 3. Create an extra revenue stream with your web site's articles or content. Publish first paragraph of each article and charge people to read rest. 4. E-mail targeted e-zines and ask them to do a joint venture with you. Ask them to run your ad and in exchange they get a percentage of profits. 5. Find a tiny niche for your new free e-zine. There are thousands of free e-zines; your e-zine needs to be extra specialized to attract new subscribers.
| | Personal Profile Of The Week: Joe VitaleWritten by Larry Dotson
Joe Vitale is world's first Hypnotic Marketer. He is author of way too many books to list here, including new book "Spiritual Marketing," best-selling e-book "Hypnotic Writing," and best -selling Nightingale-Conant audioprogram, "The Power of Outrageous Marketing." His main web site is at http://www.MrFire.comNickname: Mr. Fire! Age: 47 Birth Date/Place: 12-29-53 Warren, Ohio From: Niles, Ohio Present Residence: Austin, Texas Name Of High School/College: Niles McKinley high; Kent State University First Full/Part-time Job: labor on railroad Marital Status: divorced Number Of Children: none Number Of Pet(s): three Pet Type(s)/Name(s): wolfie, dog, virgil, cat, sandy, cat Computer: e-machine