10 Days to Making More Money

Written by Lori Giovannoni

Title: 10 Days to Making More Money Author: Lori Giovannoni Email: lori@xmission.com Word Count: 895 Copyright: © 2005 by Lori Giovannoni Web Address: www.lorigiovannoni.com

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10 Days to Making More Money By Lori Giovannoni

Most of us overcomplicate things. Selling is pretty simple. True we need systems in place, support materials and a contact manager, but when all is said and done what stops us from selling is usually in our head, not in our office.

There are 4 actions when taken everyday for 10 working days with unswerving commitment will increase your sales and put more money in your pocket. Guaranteed!

1 - Set Your Intention There is absolutely no substitute for knowing what you’re going after. Research clearly indicates when we set an intention or a goal we subconsciously as well as consciously align our actions and resources to attain that goal. What some folks find as lucky and coincidental is actuallyrepparttar 127122 power of intention at work. Few things are as powerful as our thoughts and if our thoughts are not aligned with our actions our thoughts always win. When you set a strong intention it gives your actions a path to follow instead ofrepparttar 127123 other way around.

How many prospects will you contact each day? How many sales will you make? It is important to keep your intention clearly in front of you throughoutrepparttar 127124 day. Don’t worry how allrepparttar 127125 details will come together just keep focused on what you want to accomplish. Intention does not takerepparttar 127126 place of action, but action alone can often result in activity and no sales.

A tip, set your intention so it is a stretch but not impossible. If you are contacting one or two new prospects a day, set an intention for 4 prospects. Once you’ve become successful at 4 increase to 6 and so on.

2 - 10 Referrals In 10 Days Each day call a current customer, someone who is willing to advocate on your behalf and ask them who they know that they would be willing to refer you to. This exercise is not an exercise in selling as much as an exercise in asking. The world of selling is made up of unlimited networks all of them crisscrossing and intersecting through relationships. Selling is masteringrepparttar 127127 art of relationships and learning to ask for an introduction torepparttar 127128 right relationship(s). This exercise is an essential component of more sales and more success. If you are a master at asking for referrals then ask for really high-end referrals. If you are new at this, then simply learn to ask. The trick is to do this for 10 days without wavering. This is called “Masteringrepparttar 127129 Ask”. Most people in sales thinkrepparttar 127130 most important ask is asking forrepparttar 127131 sale, it is not. The most important ask is asking forrepparttar 127132 referral. Masterrepparttar 127133 Ask for just 10 days and watch your sales explode and your income grow.

Want More Customers? Be Overt!

Written by Jim Logan

The essence of being overt is to be clear and assure your prospective customer understands exactly what you want them to understand aboutrepparttar benefits, difference, and reasons to believe inrepparttar 127120 outstanding value of your offering.

In my business I see a lot of customer communication materials. Unfortunately, I see too many customer presentations whereby you finally understand whatrepparttar 127121 company does and what benefits they deliver to their customers somewhere around slide 7 of a way-too-many-slides presentation.

No long ago I was leading a sales and marketing meeting, discussing with a management teamrepparttar 127122 launch of a new product line. We were reviewingrepparttar 127123 new product's positioning, competitive environment, pricing methodology, and sales collateral. While reviewingrepparttar 127124 customer presentations I noted there were continuous questions:

"What does that mean?" "What do we mean by that?" "What arerepparttar 127125 keys things I should say about this slide?" "What isrepparttar 127126 point we want to make on this slide?"

As these questions were asked several times it become obvious..."Why don't you just say onrepparttar 127127 slide what it is you mean and what it is you wantrepparttar 127128 customer to know aboutrepparttar 127129 benefits they'll realize as a result of employing your solution?" The question was simple enough and leftrepparttar 127130 meeting participants looking aroundrepparttar 127131 room at each other.

It's amazingrepparttar 127132 positive impact you can have on your sales efforts by simply communicating with your prospective customers clearly and directly aboutrepparttar 127133 value you offer. To greatly impact your revenue there are really only a few things you have to do...

Don't Make Your Customer Translate Your Offering into Something They Value - A huge mistake in marketing and sales is to unwittingly make your customer translate everything you say into something they value.

Regardless of your market, customers of all types have similar buying processes. Customers evaluate you offering by first asking themselves two questions - "Why do I need this product/service? What do we get (benefit) out of using it?" No matter what you say, write or present; this isrepparttar 127134 first and only thing going throughrepparttar 127135 mind of a buyer.

A great number of vendors (technology companies tend to berepparttar 127136 greatest offenders) makerepparttar 127137 mistake of communicating with prospective customers from "love" they have for their product or service. Their typical communication is driven fromrepparttar 127138 speeds-feeds-features-functionality of their offering. Their big mistake is not realizing customers never buy speeds-feeds-features-functionality; they only buyrepparttar 127139 benefits they can realize from employing your speeds-feeds-features-functionality. If you communicate from your speeds-feeds-features-functionality you force your customer to translate them into meaningful benefits they value. Remember, customers only buy benefits. It only makes sense then that you should lead your communications withrepparttar 127140 benefits they want, expect, and will enjoy.

"But aren't speeds-feeds-features-functionality necessary?"

Yes. Speeds-feeds-features-functionality, especially in technology markets, are necessary and often critical to closing a sale. The difference is you want your speeds-feeds-features-functionality to be evaluated as proof of your ability to deliver benefits, not as evidence in investigation ofrepparttar 127141 benefits you offer. Put another way, once your prospective customer resonates onrepparttar 127142 benefits and value you offer,repparttar 127143 speeds-feeds-features-functionality of your product or service is then evaluated solely in its capacity to deliverrepparttar 127144 benefits your customer wishes to purchase.

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