10 Commandments Of Creating A "Wealth Producting" Niche!

Written by Roy Primm

"Niches are like bathrooms; you never notice one until you need it." -Primm (The Niche Man)

Fact: The person who finds or creates a special niche, getsrepparttar cream of our societies financial rewards. Whether you're Bill Gates or Joe Average.

The niche, andrepparttar 106054 person who creates them, isrepparttar 106055 main factor that separates one product from 15 others.

It’s shocking at how few books are written onrepparttar 106056 subject of creating niches. Niches are what all-successful products, and services have in common-without exception. It’s my pleasure to share this with you today.

To out-niche your competitors you must focus on these "14 commandments" of niche creation at all times. Observerepparttar 106057 ones you apply to your business, product, or service – and watch your sales soar.

The 10 principles of creating a niche are as follows (in alphabetical order):

1. "The Principle of Adaptation" - The simplest way to create a new idea is to do what others in another business or industry are doing. Next, see if you can adapt it to your own business, product, or service.

2. "The Principle of Addition" - Can you add something extra to your product or service that your competition doesn’t have or isn’t doing?

3. "The Principle of Combination" - “What positive elements can you combine from another product or service to make yours better?” A candy bar did it with simple peanut butter and chocolate, and made a successful new product. So can you.

4. "The Principle of Customization" – Can you find little ways to personalize a part of your product or service? That’s a quick, easy, and cheap way to create niches. Can you make your product or service more personal and less cookie cutter?

12 Easy Ways to Organize your Work or Home Life (or both!)

Written by Heather Diodati

12 Easy Ways to Organize your Work or Home Life (or both!)

By: Heather Diodati, DDesign You have permission to publish this article electronically or in print, free of charge, as long asrepparttar bylines are included. A courtesy copy of your publication would be appreciated

I admit it! Sometimes I'm overwhelmed byrepparttar 106053 seemingly endless streams of paperwork. Emails I want to keep, Ezines or sections of them, ideas I found onrepparttar 106054 Internet, school papers, notes of ideas that popped into my head as I was waiting to have a tooth filled, newspaper clippings ... EEEK! I would file and file and file and then forgot where that article was that I needed to completerepparttar 106055 project that was due last Thursday!

I have been an avid list-maker all my life out of necessity, juggling a 9 to 5 work life, family time, a home business and taking care of two houses; as well as having a number of hobbies such as cartooning and fine art, clothing design and creation, crafts and ballroom dancing (at one point in my life even being a competitive ballroom dancer for 5 years as well as an assistant disk jockey for parties). (no stress!)

For all of you super-busy people I have put together some handy hints on getting your life in order and keeping your sanity.

1) Notables: Keep a small notebook and pen handy, wherever you are, to jot down ideas or appointments or things to do instead of trying to remember them later on.

2) Telephonery: Set a time limit to each phone call and make sure you tell your caller. That way you save yourselfrepparttar 106056 stress of trying to endrepparttar 106057 phone call and it also helpsrepparttar 106058 caller to condenserepparttar 106059 information they want you to hear.

3) In Waiting Use waiting time atrepparttar 106060 dentist, meeting with your boss or while waiting on your roast to cook to catch up on reading or planning, or userepparttar 106061 time to tidy up, filing or other tasks.

4) Help Wanted: Be sure to offer praise to a subordinate, co- worker or to a member ofrepparttar 106062 family for any effort you've noticed - they'll be happy to help you when you're bogged down.

5) Don't Put It Off! If you procrastinate you'll only get stressed out when you think about that hateful "to do" item on your list. You'll blow it out of proportion in your mind and it'll become almost impossible to accomplish. Make sure you tacklerepparttar 106063 largest or most disliked job first, dividing it up into manageable tasks, thenrepparttar 106064 other jobs will be a breeze!

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