10 Benefits of B-to-B Email Marketing

Written by Doug Hudiburg

If there is any single tool that we should be enthusiastically embracing as marketers, it is business to business email marketing.

There is simply no way to matchrepparttar value that business to business email marketing provides for communicating with prospects and customers.

The amazing thing is most of us are not actively engaged in any form of email marketing yet. At best, we send an occasional email blast to our customer base to introduce a new product or announce an event.

Many of us have NEVER sent a single promotional email to a list of prospects or customers. So if you are amongrepparttar 106028 few who have, reach right back and give yourself a hearty slap onrepparttar 106029 back.

I have my theories about why most of us do not use business to business email marketing to its greatest advantage, which I will not go into here, but I suspect it is heavily related torepparttar 106030 following barriers:

1) We must frequently rely on IT and/or our Web team to providerepparttar 106031 enabling infrastructure and we are low on their priority list.

2) We do not have direct access torepparttar 106032 mailing and tracking tools and have to rely on outside resources to put our strategies into play.

3) We do not know exactly how to implement an effective business to business email marketing strategy.

4) We fear being branded as a spammer atrepparttar 106033 slightest indiscretion.

Regardless of why business to business email marketing is not more widely accepted,repparttar 106034 fact remains that it is a marketing tool that we must have in our toolbox.

Those marketers who jump onrepparttar 106035 bandwagon now will have a decided advantage versusrepparttar 106036 competition when they deploy their 'secret weapon'.

Benefits of Business to Business Email Marketing

1) Low cost

Compared to any other form of direct marketing, business to business email marketing is fantastically cheap. When you cultivate and mail to your own opt-in email list,repparttar 106037 cost per message is so low, you can almost call it free.

You do need to invest in some kind of infrastructure, but if you are smart and careful, you can keep your costs below $1,000 a year.

If you only send 10 messages to a list of 2,000 subscribers, your cost is just $.05 per message. You can see how a serious business to business email marketing program could cost just a fraction of a penny per message.

2) Metrics Galore

With business to business email marketing, almost every step inrepparttar 106038 buying process can be measured and tracked on an ongoing basis. You can easily trackrepparttar 106039 total clicks on every link in each message,repparttar 106040 conversion of clicks to sales or clicks to leads, and with some programs you can measure opens (how many people opened your message) and forwards (how many people forwarded your message) You can take what you learn from one campaign and apply it to future campaigns with a high degree of precision.

3) Permission based

Unless you are spamming (sending unsolicited emails), all effective business to business email marketing is conducted to an opt-in list. This means that every subscriber requested to be on your list, they want to receive emails from you. Because of this, business to business email marketing is one ofrepparttar 106041 purest forms of permission-based direct marketing. Very few direct mail or telemarketing campaigns can claimrepparttar 106042 same.

4) Easy to implement

If you aren't implementing business to business email marketing in your business right now, it may seem a daunting technical challenge to buildrepparttar 106043 infrastructure and tools required to pull it off. But rest assured that adding business to business email marketing to your mix is not as difficult as it sounds.

There are many great tools available on a subscription basis that allow you to outsourcerepparttar 106044 complete infrastructure required for effective business to business email marketing. You will find two great tools listed atrepparttar 106045 bottom of this article.

5)A gile Marketing Tool

All marketers and business owners are painfully aware ofrepparttar 106046 fact thatrepparttar 106047 speed of doing business continues to steadily increase. This relentless acceleration drivesrepparttar 106048 need to be supremely responsive to new trends and opportunities in your market.

There is no more responsive tool available to marketers than business to business email marketing. You can literally deployrepparttar 106049 tactical elements of a campaign moments afterrepparttar 106050 strategic and messaging elements have been developed. In other words, you can decide on a new strategic direction inrepparttar 106051 morning, develop your message and offer inrepparttar 106052 afternoon, and have a message waiting in your prospect's inboxrepparttar 106053 next morning.

That is rapid communication!

6) Highly Targeted

business to business email marketing isrepparttar 106054 only medium I can think of where you can not only easily segment your list based on demographic attributes, but also where you can segment your list based onrepparttar 106055 behavior of your prospect. With some ofrepparttar 106056 simplest systems available, you can begin to develop a profile of your prospects based onrepparttar 106057 kinds of offers they respond to. Withrepparttar 106058 more complex systems, you can track and store ALL ofrepparttar 106059 actions individual prospects take as a result of your email efforts.

7) Can be Personalized

It is very easy to merge database fields in to email messages to add personalization. Simply adding your subscriber's first name torepparttar 106060 subject link has been shown to increase readership dramatically.

The real power of personalization in email marketing comes when you can personalize an offer based on information you have added to your subscriber profiles based on their past behavior. Sending someone a personalized message likerepparttar 106061 following is a great way to leverage email marketing as a sales tool.

'Ted, I know you bought product x from us last month and I just wanted to check in to make sure it is working as well for you has it does for our other customers. I also wanted to let you know that we have replacement filters for product x available at a 30% discount forrepparttar 106062 remainder of this month. While you probably don't need filters yet, in a month or two you will. Why not buy now to take advantagerepparttar 106063 special price and make sure filters are on hand when you need them?'

Ethics - Benefit & Reward

Written by Scott 'Gears'

Ethics - in a profession or trade - is that branch of philosophy which studiesrepparttar principles of right and wrong in human conduct.

Is your business ethical?

What I mean is "Does your business dorepparttar 106027 right thing when faced with that decision?" It's a simple question, which many businesses struggle with. I just don't understandrepparttar 106028 struggle part?

I have worked for companies that believed they were ethical, and really have no clue. Meaningrepparttar 106029 decisions they make everyday towards their customers and employees does not advocate ethics. So, what is it? When someone in business gives you their word and then reneges, that is unethical. Your word is your promise. Even if it is your business makingrepparttar 106030 statement. Doing good business and being a good employer is more than your product or people, it isrepparttar 106031 guidelines in which you do that good business. I'm disappointed in how many unethical businesses exist today. I have worked for some of them and they just don't get it... they 'talk tough' but whenrepparttar 106032 decisions are made I can't fathom what motivated them come to their decision? It was not necessarily 'doingrepparttar 106033 right thing'.

Yes, I know profits are pinnacle to most, but that IS NOTrepparttar 106034 bottom line! The bottom line is how your customer, partner, client or prospect walked away from their experience. What's so hard to get? It also helps you feel good about yourself and your business, and you should sleep better too!

Treat themrepparttar 106035 way you want to be treated... I mean it!

Don't say something you have no intention of backing up with your action. Keep your word in business, in compensation promises, in client promises, in doing good business. This is pinnacle!

I don't want to ramble here, but some businesses need a wake-up-call (yesterday). What puzzles me is why? When you do good business, you get more good business. I'm not just talking aboutrepparttar 106036 Enron's or Arthur Anderson's ofrepparttar 106037 World, I'm talking about every type of business out there, in every industry.

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