10 Benefits You Get from Using Trekking Poles For Hiking

Written by Robin Shortt

We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence
then, is not an act but a habit.

I remember watching my boys growing
up. They would go to their Scout meetings
and bring home a pole that they had

cut from a sapling. They made it into a pole
by strippingrepparttar bark and carving different
designs into it. They would talk about
how they used it for hiking and on campouts.

Today things have changed a lot. The Scouts
still make their trekking poles, but more hikers
are now going high-tech.

Todays poles have much ofrepparttar 112896 same
benefitsrepparttar 112897 scouts used them for.

Hikers also use two of them for
hiking. Which doublerepparttar 112898 benefits.

1.This includes pack weight distribution
torepparttar 112899 arms, thus increasing indurance.

2.Makes keeping your balance easier
as you cross rivers and streams as
well as rough terrain.

3.Lowers stress onrepparttar 112900 joints, knees, hips
and lower back.

4.Gives a more upright, hiking posture.
This in turn will make breathing
more efficient.

5.Helps you go up those steep inclines.
Also helps you keep your balance onrepparttar 112901

6.Dispite some drawbacks concerning
them,repparttar 112902 advantages far outweigh
the drawbacks.

Folding Vs Non-Folding Treadmill - What's The Real Difference?

Written by Kathryn O'Neill

Most people buying a treadmill will be probably be faced withrepparttar choice: "Do I want a folding treadmill or a non-folding treadmill?"

Folding treadmills (also called fold-up, foldable and fold-away treadmills) are a popular choice among treadmill buyers.

But apart fromrepparttar 112895 obvious reason to choose a folding treadmill (to save space) - what arerepparttar 112896 REAL differences between a folding vs. non-folding treadmill? Here's a quick overview:

The main advantages to choosing a folding treadmill are:

- you save space - if you have a small home gym or space is at a premium, folding your treadmill up and/or wheeling it out of sight is a great option to have

- it makes cleaning easier - just fold it up and you can vacuum or cleanrepparttar 112897 floor area underrepparttar 112898 treadmill easily

Because of these advantages, having a treadmill that folds is often seen as just another added feature torepparttar 112899 treadmill - like an extra water bottle holder or a pair of handweights.

However there are also distinct advantages to buying a non-folding treadmill that might make you think twice before purchasing a treadmill that folds.

According to Runner's World,repparttar 112900 most important quality of a good treadmill is stability. For example, doesrepparttar 112901 treadmill feel solid and secure when you run on it? Does it wobble or shudder when you pick up your pace?

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