10 Amazing Ways To Jump Start Your Sales

Written by Merry GAGNOL

1. Find a strategic business partner. Look for ones

that haverepparttar same objective. You can trade leads,

share marketing info, sell package deals, etc.

2. Brand your name and business. You can easily

do this by just writing articles and submitting them

to e-zines or web sites for republishing.

3. Start an auction on your web site. The type of

auction could be related torepparttar 103061 theme of your site.

You'll draw traffic from auctioneers and bidders.

4. Remember to take a little time out of your day

or week to brainstorm. New ideas are usually the

difference between success and failure.

5. Model other successful business or people. I'm

not saying out right copy them, but practice some

ofrepparttar 103062 same habits that have made them succeed.

6. Take risks to improve your business. Sometimes

Writing Tips for Your Website

Written by Jennifer Ryan

Article Title: Writing Tips for Your Website

Contains 637 words, 60 characters per line Contact email: jennifer.ryan@sbcglobal.net

You may reprint this article in its entirety in any media. Please includerepparttar resource box. Please email a copy ofrepparttar 103060 publicationrepparttar 103061 article is posted in to jennifer.ryan@sbcglobal.net

Please set links as hyperlinks when posting on websites.

Author: Jennifer Ryan

Now that your website is up and running, it's time to add content. Fresh content will make your site interesting and keep people (and search engine crawlers) coming back. In order to achieve optimal web success, your site must be informative, relevant and writtenrepparttar 103062 way that people read repparttar 103063 web. Here's a few tips to get you started.

Get torepparttar 103064 point--FAST. Just ask internet usability consultant Jakob Nielsen. People don't readrepparttar 103065 web, they scan. It's not like print, where you can meander your way to repparttar 103066 point. Online, you have but a nanosecond to prove you're legit. Nielsen says to userepparttar 103067 "inverted pyramid method.” for web content. Tellrepparttar 103068 point first, get torepparttar 103069 supporting info afterwards.

Find your inner voice. We want to hear you on your website, not a text book or someone else. Get in touch with your real-live human "voice." Hello? Is anybody there? Show us your humanity so we can relate to you. Don't publish anything that you haven't completely written researched or re-worked. Posting text to your website that's meant forrepparttar 103070 printed page is a no-no. People won't read it, and worse, they'll make bad faces at you.

Userepparttar 103071 least amount of words for what you have to say. Listen, you're not going to impress us by using big technical words. In fact, when you use words we don't understand--I must say--you look stupid. Why? It's easier to write a story with 3000 words than it is to writerepparttar 103072 same story in 300. It takes more thought, more planning, more time to extract awayrepparttar 103073 excess. Therefore,repparttar 103074 writer who uses less words to convey to same message is clearlyrepparttar 103075 winner.

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