GIVE YOUR BUSINESS A GOOD STARTSo you want to start your own BUSINESS ? But you don't know how to make it happen. Here is my best advice to you.
Your first ultimate start must include written goals and plans. Formulate a plan of weekly activity and be persistent in following it—if you fail to plan, you plan to fail. Sticking to your plan is essential for success.
Don't wait for everything to be exactly right to start...THERE WILL NEVER BE A "PERFECT" TIME! Start now, with whatever you have. The things you need will come to you as you work toward your goal. You cannot become successful in anything when you're trying to do too many things at once.
Treat your business as a serious, full-time business, and it will become one. Think of your first six months primarily as a training period. Don't expect large earnings until after you've educated yourself.
Be patient. You'll work hardest your first six months or so and get compensated least. Big incomes never happen overnight. Always be ENTHUSIASTIC!! Don't give yourself unrealistic expectations. Realize that what you accomplish is mainly in your hands, no one else's.
Also realize that, when you see a problem, 95% of time there are factors you are unaware of. Don't jump to conclusions. When you have a problem, present it in a concise letter as positive, constructive criticism. Offer solutions if possible, too.
Not only will this approach get you better results, but you'll be building your relationship with your upline instead of tearing it down. Be organized, but don't allow act of organizing keep you from most important element of a successful business: MARKETING. Market and promote your business EVERY DAY! Don't let little problems upset you. Concentrate on many positives...and "big picture."
Always remember that only thing that will never change is that there will always be changes. Don't let changes upset you. Know that you will have to deal with changes and other obstacles, both big and small, continually. Be prepared to be flexible. Don't be a negative thinker and don't let negative attitudes of others (even if they're family members, friends, or peers) influence you.
All great men and women in history had to overcome naysayers who said it couldn't be done—and then went out and did it. Think for yourself! Don't be derailed by "perfection paralysis." Realize that you won't be able to do everything perfectly. Do best job you can, then move on to next project. Keep learning and keep moving ahead.