Written by Terry Pierce

(5 sections of guide, to recieverepparttar full article please visit our website for your free copy) 'THE CONSUMERS AWARENESS GUIDE TO SELECTING VITAMIN SUPPLEMENTS' Terry L.Pierce THIS IS AN EDUCATIONAL SERVICE PROVIDED BY PIERCENUTRITION 1 866 469 0521 WWW.PIERCENUTRITION.USANA.COM

Hi my name is Terry L. Pierce and I amrepparttar 112964 owner of PierceNutrition and we are associated with

Usana Health Sciences a company that has been manufacturing and distributing vitamin

supplements since 1992. I have been taking vitamin supplements and exercising for 25 years and

in those 25 years I have taken countless vitamins, minerals protein shakes, carbohydrate drinks,

amino acids allrepparttar 112965 time wondering if these products were really helping me to become a healthier

person. In my endless search forrepparttar 112966 right combination of supplements I feel I have

finally found a formula for selectingrepparttar 112967 right combination of supplements and I now

haverepparttar 112968 peace of mind of knowing that I am takingrepparttar 112969 right combination and highest

quality of vitamin supplements so I felt compelled to write this consumer awareness

guide to inform other people who are concerned with their health as well as their families

health. This guide will help anyone who is interested in starting a supplement program or

if you are currently taking vitamins and unsure aboutrepparttar 112970 quality and potency of you

supplements. There is information, suggestions and recommendations in this guide that

will help you make an intelligent and informed decision on how to selectrepparttar 112971 vitamin

supplements that are right for you. Much of this guide talks about pollution in our

environment although most Americans know aboutrepparttar 112972 pollution issues we face everyday

I don’t think that very many take it too seriously. The issues you will read in this guide

will help you become aware of just how dangerousrepparttar 112973 hazards of pollution are and this

guide will also tell you what you can do to protect yourself from these hazards The

pollution we face has an adverse affect on our physical and mental health. My company

PierceNutrition and Usana Health Sciences have teamed up to bring you this Consumers

Awareness Guide to Selecting Vitamin Supplements. Please readrepparttar 112974 articles carefully to learn

how you can protect you and your family and please be sure to contact me with any questions you


To understand antioxidants and how they can help you, you must first understandrepparttar 112975 way they interact with free radicals and our cells and molecules. So here’s a brief description but I feel it will help you understand why antioxidants are so important to us. The human body is made of many different types of cells and cells are composed of many different types of molecules. Molecules consist of one or more atoms of one or more elements by chemical bonds.

Atoms consist of a nucleus, neutron, protons and electrons. The number of protons (positively charged particles) inrepparttar 112976 atom’s nucleus determinesrepparttar 112977 number of electrons (negatively charged particles) surroundingrepparttar 112978 atom. The electrons are involved inrepparttar 112979 chemical reactions andrepparttar 112980 substance that bonds chemicals together to form molecules. Electrons surround or orbit an atom in one or more shells. The inner most shell is full when it contains two electrons. Whenrepparttar 112981 first shell is full, electrons begin to fillrepparttar 112982 second shell. Whenrepparttar 112983 second shell has eight electrons , it is full and so on. Please stay with me I’m getting torepparttar 112984 point. The most important structural feature of an atom for determining its chemical behavior isrepparttar 112985 number of electrons in its outer shell. A substance that has a full outer shell tends not to enter in chemical reaction (an inert substance). Because atoms seek to reach a state of maximum stability, an atom will try to fill it’s outer shell by:

•Gaining or losing electrons to either fill or empty its outer shell •Sharing its electrons by bonding together with other atoms in order to complete its outer shell Atoms often complete their shells by snaring electrons with other atoms. By sharing electronsrepparttar 112986 atoms are bound together and satisfyrepparttar 112987 conditions of maximum stability forrepparttar 112988 molecule.



Normally, bonds don’t split in a way that leaves a molecule with on odd, unimpaired electron but when weak bonds split, free radicals are formed. Free radicals are very unstable and react quickly with other compounds, trying to capturerepparttar 112989 needed electron to gain stability. Generally, free radicals attackrepparttar 112990 nearest stable molecule, “stealing” its electron. Whenrepparttar 112991 attacked molecule loses its electron, it becomes a free radical itself, beginning a chain reaction. Oncerepparttar 112992 process is started, it can cascade finally resulting inrepparttar 112993 disruption of a living cell.

Some free radicals arise naturally during metabolism. Sometimesrepparttar 112994 body’s immune system’s cell purposely creates them to neutralize viruses and bacteria. However environmental factors such as pollution, radiation, cigarette smoke and herbicides can also spawn free radicals.

Normallyrepparttar 112995 body can handle free radicals, but if antioxidants are unavailable or ifrepparttar 112996 free radical production becomes excessive, damage can occur. Of particular importance is that free radical damage accumulates with age.


The vitamins C and E are thought to protectrepparttar 112997 body from free radicals. Antioxidants neutralize free radicals by donating one of their own electrons, endingrepparttar 112998 electron stealing reaction. The antioxidant nutrient themselves don’t become free radicals by donating an electron because they are stable in either form they act as scavengers, helping to prevent cell and tissue damage that could lead to cellular and tissue damage.

*Vitamin E- The most abundant fat-soluble antioxidant inrepparttar 112999 body. One ofrepparttar 113000 most efficient chain breaking antioxidants available. Primary defender against oxidation. Primary defender against lipid peroxidation (creation of unstable molecules containing more oxygen than normal)

*Vitamin C- The most abundant water soluble antioxidant inrepparttar 113001 body. Acts primarily in cellular fluid. Of particular note combating free radical formation caused by pollution and cigarette smoke. Also helps return vitamin E to its active form.

Although it is important to supplement your diet with vitamins and minerals it is still very important that you eat your fruits and vegetables so don’t just rely on supplements alone be sure that your diet consist of 5-8 servings of fruits and vegetables per day.


Can you use this scorecard for a major victory in your fight against atrophy?

Written by Mike Hayden

Date: Sun, 12 Dec 2004 17:43:07 -0800 Subject: [News] Profitable Venture Tactics (90) From: Mike Hayden To: Mike Hayden Reply-To: Mike@SeniorManagementServices.com

Sunday, December 12, 2004

Hi Mike!

This issue of P V T has about 1200 words (about 5 minutes to read).

Best Regards, Mike Hayden ============================================================ ============================================================

Senior Management Services (SMS) presents:


12/13/04 Volume 4, Issue 12/2

Published on Mondays for effective managers and executives

Please forward.

============================================================ Can you use this scorecard for a major victory in your fight against atrophy? ============================================================

See full color web version at: http://www.SeniorManagementServices.com/pvt-90-scorecards.html

============================================================ My sec^ret plan that made personal history. ============================================================

You know it's that time of year again. You're thinking about your Resolutions for 2005. I recently asked about 200 people this one question: What isrepparttar one thing that you could start doing today that would improverepparttar 112963 quality of your life?

They emailed their answers to me. I found that nearly A L L replies showed this answer: get more exercise, get in shape, lo^se wei^ght. So, I'm pretty sure you have similar goals. After all, exercise helps your heart and may preventrepparttar 112964 onset of Parkinson's. Exercise positively clears up an atrophied mind.

Still,repparttar 112965 hard part is fulfillment: D O I N G I T! Since I've been doing it for decades, I consider myself somewhat of an expert. Here's how I D I D it...

... My 4-step plan on how to think, act, and mold a healthier body even if you can't lo^se wei^ght! Plus new tricks to fight personal atrophy.

Step 1

I wrote down a list of things I C O U L D do if I were really going to exercise. I did NOT consider my list a commitment. I just jotted down my ideas, even activities I had ne^ver done before.

Step 2

Alongside each activity, I jotted down how much time it would take IF I were to do that activity. This gave me some idea of when I could do it - IF I were to do it. I then wrote a possible schedule, based on my daily activities - IF I were to do it.

Step 3

I developed a "scorecard" that would show my participation (IF I decided to do it).

Step 4

I thought about where I could postrepparttar 112966 scoreboard where I could see it as a daily reminder.

By this time, my mind had been tricked into saying, "O K, I will schedule 6 days a week with Monday off." (Noticerepparttar 112967 sudden enthusiasm and tendency to over commit!)

(Read on to get your bonus download!)

============================================================ "OK Mike, what do you mean by scoreboard?" ============================================================

I will show you actual scoreboards examples in a moment. First, let me explain. My scoreboard R O W S show each day in a month. Its C O L U M N S list all my exercise possibilities. That way, I can track everything.

Here arerepparttar 112968 exercises (columns) on my list:

Walk, run, row/aerobic, jump rope, tai chi (fast set), hsing yi, ba gua, (open), (open), chest, back, Tibetan rites, chi kung, chi coiling, tai chi, stretch, abs.

Naturally, my list would be different from yours, should you choose to experiment with this idea.

I userepparttar 112969 (open) columns for unspecified activities I want to include sometimes. Variety isrepparttar 112970 spice of life!

I also have columns for recording data from my Polar Heart Watch (aerobic zone arrows), recovery time. If you get into aerobic training, you'll want a heart watch. I also have a column for weight.

Do I do all these exercises everyday? Heck no! Just take a look at this scoreboard from last February when I was spending every minute writing a book. http://www.SeniorManagementServices.com/Images/Feb04-less.gif For this whole month, I only took three 30-minute walks!

Here's a more typical scoreboard. http://www.SeniorManagementServices.com/Images/Aug03-more.gif

Obviously, I don't get around to every exercise every day or month. But, I have this theory that any exercise is 100 times better than none.

OK, here's a blank scoreboard that YOU can download and tailor for your own exercise program. Print out as many copies as you need.


In this fo^rm, notice that I left right-hand columns for your aerobic zones (arrows) and weight.

============================================================ Yes, but can you deal with your own mind? ============================================================

When I am traveling, I usually run for exercise. It's a good way to relieverepparttar 112971 atrophy from sitting all day. For example, here's a journal entry from a recent trip...

[...] Fromrepparttar 112972 motel, I run up a hill, turn left past repparttar 112973 park where skate-boarders practice, then runrepparttar 112974 bridge acrossrepparttar 112975 Colorado River. Wow, that water is moving! I continue running torepparttar 112976 lumberyard then turn around.

Cont'd on page 2 ==>
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